30% 1964 Januar O.B. FASAN ADDRESSES P.T.A. (Continued) of the Schreiber High School who gave a brief resume of education in Schreiber since it began in 1888, as a preface to speaking on the Year Book presently being edited by the students. The project represents a considerable effort not only in time, but in re- porting and the field of management from all of which the students will benefit. This is the first Year Book in the new school and parents and others can assist by offering pertinent news and pictures which may be given to either Crystal Kusik or Anna Fummerton. The book will be on sale in June but the editors will appreciate orders placed now. George Scott's motion to have a copy ordered for Holy Angel School was adopted. The draw prize for the evening was won by Mrs. R. Bedard. Minutes were read by Mrs. D'Arcy McGuire and the financial statement given by Mrs. A. Bour- guignon. Lunch was served by Mrs. J. Power's committee. ST. JOHN'S ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING HELD A congregational dinner preceded the annual vestry meeting of St. John's Anglican Church with Rev. R. J. S. Inshaw chairing the business meeting and W. G. Furlonger as Vestry Clerk. Annual reports were presented as follows: Women's Auxiliary by Mrs. C. Sparkes; Evening Group and Girls' Auxiliary - Mrs. Inshaw; Junior Girls' Auxi- liary and the restoration committee - Mrs. P. R. Bailey; Warden's financial statement - R. W. Turner; card secretary report - Mrs. J. Corbett. Officers for the coming year named were P.R. Bailey, Church Treasurer; G.H. Birch, people's Warden; W.G. Furlonger, Envelope secretary; W. Robinson, Rector's Warden; Miss Dorothy Sly, Little Helper's Leader. Rev. Inshaw expressed his satisfaction in the work of the Church during the past year, warmly thanking the congregation for its support and particularly the leaders of the various groups. He also spoke of the Church's appreciation of the handsome renovations being done in the Church Hall, mostly by volunteer labor . Following the meeting, a social evening was en- joyed when Mr. Inshaw showed films he had taken, some of them showing children unaware they were being filmed and their unrehearsed actions drew de- lighted laughter from the audience. ST. ANDREWS CONGREGATIONAL MEETING St. Andrews United Church held its annual congre- gational meeting on January 20th beginning with a potluck dinner. Rev. Fraser Muldrew chaired the business meeting when annual reports were presented from the various Church groups and the budget con- sidered. The following were appointed to the Board of Stewarts:- Mesdames R. Macadam, W.T. Wallace, G. McBride and Messrs. J. B. Ridsdale, A.S. Gor- don, D.R. Hencher, G. Gordon, G. Drake, G. Fischer, W.J. Gerow and W.J. Kinney, and to the Session - A.S. Gordon and D. L. Wilson. Charles THE NEWS Pike was named representative for the local Board to the Official Board. The budget was accepted as presented. Reports were presented from the Session, Manse Committe, Organ Fund Committee, Junior & Senior Choirs, Board of Stewards, Messengers, U.C. Women, Ex- plorers, Cradle Roll, Sunday School, C.G.I.T., Tyros, Hi-C's and Missionary & Maintenance. All reports indicated the healthy and desirable condition of having spent on Church work all but a small a amount of monies collected during the year. Mr. Muldrew: commended the members and particularly the leaders without whose interest and loyalty the work could not be carried on. Mr. Muldrew's re- port showed an increase in membership and the only loss from the roll by transfer to another Church when moving from Schreiber, and by death. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Bernard Paradis and Albert Koski are patients in the Terrace Bay Hospital . Mrs. A. Wood, Mr. & Mrs. L. Carlisle and Joanne have returned home to Port Arthur after visiting Mr. & Mrs. J. Winters. Mr. Walter Harris is in Port Arthur General Hospital convalescing after surgery. Mrs. Andrew Turpie of Winnipeg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gary Drake. Mrs. P. J. LeBlanc and Mrs. D. Godin were in Ft. William on Wednesday to attend Mrs. Bertha Fournier's funeral . George Kouhi was here on Wednesday with the Co-op Library Van and an exchange of 340 books was the selection made by Mesdames D. McGuire, W. Furlonger, L. McCuaig, A. LeBlanc and Ray- mond Guillet, Harold Ermel and Miss Gwen Hadley. BEST DARN DIME YOU EVER SPENT! Polio may strike any of us at any time. It could well be that the dime you spend today may provide the cure for YOU or YOURS, tomorrow. So, this year, give all you can, won't you? i. TO THE MARCH OF DIMES! se WELCOME THE MARCHING MOTHERS THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13th, 1964 Time is on the side of people who use it ef- ficiently.