Page 12 NEW RECREATION SYSTEM (Cont*d from Page 1) | Family lists are being completed to be sure | that each member of every family will receive |a disc, if they are Recreation AND/OR Pool : Members, Detailed explanations of the system will be distributed to member families prior to putti the system into operation. Ments Fitness Classes every Thursday from 4:45 to 6:00 P.M. at the High School, ' CHRISTMAS PARTY NEWS Two Planning Meetings for the seo | Kimberly-Clark Children's Christmas Party 'have been held and plans for this year's party i set, Because of increased number of children in | the age groups that have been served in past . years, and because of the fact that a more economical pattern was required, plans for 'this year's party are quite different, It was the decision of the meeting that age group for those who will meet Santa and receive gift will be cut to 2 years to 9 years (inclusive), | instead of 2 years to 12 years as in the past, | This will allow for' similar-type parties for the 2 to 9 children, following previous | programmes. Children over nine will be treated to a | ' special Walt Disney production of a feature | film and cartoons, Only by following such a system would it | be possible to see that the younger children still have an opportunity to receive gifts from Santa and that the older children also i have a progranme, DATE OF THE PARTY WILL BE SATURDAY, "DECEMBER 15th, ; 'TIMES OF THE PARTIES WILL' BE: 2 - 5 year olds'- 10 A.M., 6 ~ 9 year olds - 11 A.M, 'Film SHOW for Older Children - 1 P,M, WRAPPING OF GIFTS WILL BE DONE IN THE LARGE ROOM OF THE RECREATION CENTRE AT | ON THURSDAY, DECEMLER 13th,' We still. require more helpers to assist.on the day of the party, so if you can help, i contact the Recreation Office, _-- DETAILS WILL APPEAR IN NEXT WEEK'S . NEW * i: 2 PeMs COUNCIL QUOTES | 4 Board of Realth meeting preceded the reg= | | ular meeting of Council Wednesday,afternoon in ' the Municipal Offices when Reeve J.P. Heenan and Councillors J, Wellings, A, Valiquette 'and 4, Fraser received the report for last | year of the Me Ov Hy Dr, D.J.M. McCausland as , follows: -- l a te Ne NR ee tt re a ge tae TERRACE BAY NEWS pee esau eer ertatibea <a Een aaa December 6 , 1962 "In general, we have had more and varied infectious illnesses than usual during the year but in other respects, our health and sanitation record has been good,... Frequent visits were made to both Grade Schools by the school nurse, Mrs, Hopper, and myself, All new pupils were examined and immunizing injec- tions given against poliomyelitis, tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria, Any defects noted were brought to the attention of the parents when remediable, In addition, pupils of both grade schools and the High School were Tuberculin tested as well as some of the teachers, The few who had a positive reation were given chest films, |! No cases of tuberculosis were discovered in | the town during 1961, Pre-school children received the usual | immunization innoculations and. small pox | vaccinations throughout the year, Many adults have had polio inoculations and some have been given influenza vaccine at cost, There were four cases of scarlet fever and . . an outbreak of simple measles, The other common diseases, have peer, in the usual numbers, Despite immunization, we had a minor out- | break of whooping cough though in a mild form, | Fortunately, no infants were involved, All three schools were found to be in excel4 lent sanitary condition. The four local ser- } vice stations were inspected. and were found to} be in good sanitary condition, The lunch counter at the Recreation Centre| has been inspected' and bacterial counts done on plates, cutlery, and glasses, This was also done at the North Camp Cafeteria and the | results in both cases were satisfactory, A weekly inspection of the North Camp facilities, including kitchen, dining hall, | meat storage, refrigerators, bedrooms, and | snack bar was made, Water samples were submitted to the Provin-| cial Laboratory from the town water supply -_ reported tc be' excellent, During 1961, there were 63 babies born in our hospital to Terrace Bay families and a total of 137 babies born, There were two new-. born deaths, two stillbirths and eight deaths of adults and children, Garbage collection and sewage disposal for the town are being carried out in a sanitary i manner, The Reeve questioned Dr, McCausland on some points where responsibility was not clear' before requgsting the School Nurse, Mrs, V. | Hopper to ~resent her annual report, (Continued on Rage 13) | ae, FRICAY NIGHT FCR "ty, 4 Ev Seon i Nite a) Oe FOR MEN ORLY Men czcemanite ms We have a large selection of blouses and' sweaters from which to choose, are sure to please. with one of these} You BUDGET. PLAN. AVAILABLE» aT -- TERRACE 'BAY | i SIMCOE" PLAZA seroma een em ttre mene nat [Fo8. your j cpp yeas 10 Of DISCOUNT Onikia, ey SteSALES EFFECTIVE &TH.TO IG TH _ANFORDS LTD. - PH, 3327 ibH.