2 ae LL AE TT NR ee RN RE RT RN Se Page 2 TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH ~- Rev. T, Garnett Musser 9,00 A.M. - Sunday School ~ Grades 2 and 3 9.30 A.M, - Sunday School - Grades 4 and up 11,00 A.M, = Pre-School and Grade 1 11,00 A.M, --- MORNDIG WORSHIP "In the Fullness of Time" 7.30 P.M, --- Young Peoples Bible Hour = "The Parable of the Bridesmaids" 8,30 P.M. -- Fireside Hour ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, Dean E.A,Gallagher Saturday - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7==<8 P.M, SUNDAY MASSES - 8,15 A.M. - 10 A.M, and 4,45 P.M, During the week Masses are at 7.45 A.M, Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M, ROSS PORT ST, JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH Mass every Monday evening at 7.00 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION . Sunday School at 2 P.M, every Sunday | | | poo cet re HIGH SCHOOL AWARDS NIGHT Awards Nights - when academic and athletic awards earned during the past year by students of the Terrace Bay High School are presented before an audience of parents, friends and teaching staff in their Auditorium, was held on November 17th, The program opened with the Queen, Invoca- tion was pronounced by Rev. T.Garnett Husser and Mr.A,E,Hartman, Principal, outlined the estimated increase in enrolment and stressed the importance of regular attendance, Congratulations were offered to the stu- dents by Reeve J,P,Heenan on behalf of the Township of Terrace Bay, Presentation of athletic Awards and Tro- phies began when Mr, J,Rodgers presented the Bowling Trophy and Bars to Wendy Duncan, Maureen Hall, Kit Knauff, Linda MacFadyen and Noreen Scowen, Mr. G.V,Coons 'presented the Intramural Curling Trophy and Bars to Kit Knauff, Lyle Nicol, Sharyn Timpano and Gail Wood on behalf of the Curling Club, Jack Phillips, Recreation Committee Chair- man, presented the Stanley Savoy Trophy for the Most Valuable Hockey Player to Jon Mac- Donald, Girl's Basketball Bars were awarded by Miss E,A,Buckley to P,Boudreau, C,.Cavanaugh, J,Coe, C.Connors, S,Desrosiers, B.Ferricr, K,Knauff, E.Knight, V,LeBlanc, B.Long, E. bong, D,Louk, L.MacFadyen, B.McMillan, B, Pineault and G,Wood then Mr,Coons returned to award the Boys Basketball Bars to F, Anderson, D,Bouchie, P,Cavanaugh, D,Falzetta, G,Gresdal, M,LeMay,' M,MaJ}ais, D.Moore, Rod Thompson, A,Trudeau, Arthur Trudeau, F.Schock and K,Rennette. Badminton Bars were presented by Mr, ML. Steen to N.Scowen, S.Brooks, J.Comeau, I, Conchie, G,Gresdal, J,Hayes, E,Knight, D. Moore, H,Stuart, B,Sweet, S.,Timpano and Ed Kenney, Wendy Duncan accepted Cheerleader Bars from Miss Buckley for M.Delaronde, B. 'a TERRACE BAY NEWS ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE -- November 29, 1962 SCHRETBER OT, JOHN'S ANGLICAN. CHURCH - Rev.R.J.G. .Inshaw 8.30 AM, - Holy Communion ' 10,30 AM. - Morning Service 5.00 P.M. - Evensong oT. ANDREW*S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R, Crook 9.45 A.M. - Sunday School 11,00 AJM. - Morning Service HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J,M.Cano Daily Masses -- Monday to Friday - 73:30 A.M, Saturday Mass - 9300°A,M, Sunday Masses - 8300, 9:30 and 11:00 A.M, nr ee a Sunday evening Devotions - 7:00 P.M, Confessions - Saturday 4:30 to 5:30 and 7300 to 8:00 P.M, and daily before all.Masses, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Pastor M.F,Kaija 10,00 A.M, - Sunday School 7.00 P.M, --- Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sunday. Bible Study on Fridays following 'Sunday Service, GOSPEL MISSION - Mr, Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11,00 A.M, - Family Bible Hour 7,00 P,M, -- Gospel Service | Wednesday - 7,00 P.M, - Prayer Meeting , Hamilton, J.Heenan, D,Larson and C,MacLeod, Track and Field Trophies and Bars were pre-} sented by Mr.Coons to, junior girl Champion, | J.,Heenan - junior boy Champion Don Colborne | and David Falgetta (tied) - senior girl Cham- | pion Wendy Duncan and senior boy Champion Clifford Wood, Second place bars went to | Velma LeBlanc, Elaine Long and Gary: Fraser. A member of the School Board, Mr. W.J. Cavanaugh, began the presentation of Academic and Related Awards by giving Crests to Grade Ten students - Donald Colborne, 86.3% - Janis Gross, 80.4% - Dianne Paulsen, 92.9%, Roy Williams 79.9% and Grade 12 student Arthur Trudeau who had 78.3%, Proficiency Shields awarded to the top student in each grade were presented by Mr, D.S,Fulton to: Gr.9 - Brian Hubelit, 92.4% - Gr.10 - Dianne Paulsen, 92.9% - Gr.l1 - Jane | i \ ' Ne etree mene ae Heenan, 79,7% and Gr,12 - Arthur Trudeau, 78.7%. For the sixth year Soughtonts Jewel- lers backed up the Proficiency Shields with a tangible gift - Brian Hubelit receiving a Sportsman Watch, Dianne Paulsen a Parker *51_ | Pen and Pencil set - Jane Heenan a Parker 61 | Pen and Pencil set and Arthur Trudeau an auto- | matic Swiss Watch, Mr.K,R,Pelew awarded perfect attendance pins and bars to A.Belliveau, J,Comeau, R. Downey, D.Falzetta, B.Gunter, M,Hall, P, Heenan, J.Hopper, E,Kenney, K,Knauff, E,Long, N.Ocowen ' Wm,Shivas, N.Vezina and R,Williams, Public | Speaking Bars were presented to D,Colborne and , Holly Berndtsson for placing in the Area Knights of Columbus Public Speaking Contest. Mr. W.M,Miller awarded Bars to the Student's | Council and Form Representatives - Linda MacFadyen, John Comeau and Betsy Ferrier - | Gary Gresdal, Carol MacLeod, Donald Colborne, Wendy Duncan and Betty Rowson, 'In offering his congratulations Mr. J.A. Ferrier, Mill Manager of Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Ltd., remarked on their year of fing performance and achievement, ie stat- ed he was very happy to have presented, on behalf of his Company, (Continued on Page 4) |