-- -- November 1, 1962 __TERRACE DAY NEWS Page 7 KNIGHTS CELEBRATE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5) Also on display were a large scrapbook of Cate pictures, news paper articles and mementoes MO Ni one E IK B N fi eF depicting the ten-year history of the Council ER | IDAY, NOVEMBER. 2 ND.1962 prepared bya Past Grand Knight, Colin McGrath AT 00 OPM. IN THE | Arrangements were in charge of Bill S Serneski,, . : 3 Council Activity Chairman, Assisting him were TOWN HALL SCHA Lionel Bourguignon, Aurel Gauthier, Wilf \ Corrigan, N, Stortini and Ronald Marquis, The 3 NO spot dance was won by Mr, and Mrs, Ed : Belliveau with Mrs, Jack Caccamo winning the door prize. | ¢ q Lt oe ct ee SATURDAY MOVIE CANCELLED eessewe J --_-- Z2ZO-nMn--- ZoO>F> } ! | SH PRIZES ! | The Recreation Association movie scheduled . eO CAS és for this Saturday has been cancelled due to 5 ¢ [} the Lakehead Choral Group concert being held ° GOOD NEIGHBOR FRIZES Mesa in the Auditorium that night, SPONSORED BY THE SPHREEaa LADIES CURLING Next regular movie will be held on Saturday} ------ ow OM i Ltt SS | November 17th, The feature that night will "TSS PIs ee ; be Walt Disney*s "Babes In Toyland", KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICIAL HOCKEY RESULTS | BOYtS MINOR HOCKEY Player G_ Asstse WINNER AMT» xegistration forms for those wishing to Stewart JeSpenchuk $ 2,00 | play Minor Hockey this season have been dis- Baun NeCavanaugh 2000 | tributed through the schools, These forms Pulford L,O'Srien 22090 | should be returned to the schools by Wednes- Mahavolich 1 BeChambers 24,04 | day, October 3lst, at latest, Nevin MeClark 2.00 | ANY FORMS NOT RETURNED BY THAT TIME SHOULD | Keon ck Janice Cobey 24,04; BE BROUGHT DIRECTLY TO THE RECREATION OFFICE, | Armstrong BeLarson 2200 Minor Hockey tcams will 'be 'drawn up during| Horton SeLundbers 24.404 the next week, and lists of teams and players | Brewer McBride 2,00 will be posted at the schools in the near Kelly jarcella 2200 future, -- Litzenberg Pe Maholank 2.00 | MINOR HOCKEY PROVIDES FOR ALL BOYS BETWEEN | Stanely MePotvin 2200 | THE AGES OF 5 AND 18 YEARS WHO ARE ATTENDING Machiil E,Chicoine 2200 SCHOOL, BE SURE THAT YOU ARE RECISTERED, Dough E,5oon 2400 | -------- a} Shack F,Reilly 2400. GIRLS? HOCKEY Duff Bill Randa 2.00 ; Some interest has been shown by several of | Nikol Chris & Helen 2000 the local teen-age girls in forming a girls! | Goaltender H, Powers 2200 hockey team or teams, In an attempt to dis- 1 2 $l02--12 | | cover how far this interest goes, registra- NEXT WEEK'S SHUTOUT PCOL $60,00 tions will be taken at the Recreation Office for girlst hockey, For the time being at least, registrants must be 13 years of age or over, Depending on interest shown, the age bracket may be changed at a later date, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GIRLS* HOCKEY, REGISTER NOt AT THE RECREATION OFFICE, INSTALLATION OF REBEKAH OFFICERS ; Mrs, F, Whent N.G, and Mrs, J. Plumer, .. Vv. G. presided for the opening of the regular meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday, Winners in the Hockey Draw are reminded that | prize money for Schreiber residents may be | picked up at Yola Cebrario'ts Stores | Mrs, M, Nazvesky, Mrs, D. Adams, Mrs, I, Connors, Mrs, *, Langila, Mrs. J. Bradley,I.G.) Mrs. J, Buchrer, 0.G, Mrs. M. Owens and Musician Mrs. J, Squicr.' H Officers installed were: Mrs, J, Plummer, Noble Grand; Mrs, 0, Wright, Vice Grand; Mrs. The charter was draped in memory of the late . Whent, J.P.N.G. Mrs, R.: Macadam, Recording brother Charles C, Skinner and Mrs, 'Tanny Secretary; Mrs, J, Macadam, Treasurer; Mrs, | Hara sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere', Plans A. Bryson, Musician; Mrs, N, Gray, Conductor; _ were made for a joint Memorial service, with Mrs. J. McCanna, Color Bearer; Mrs. M, Gander, the IOOF on November llth in St, John's Be Chaplain; Mrs, M, Husband, I.G. Mrs, 3, Milie Anglican Church, 0.G.5 Mrs. M, Leaguit, RSNG,, Mrs. M, Welsh, Following the business meeting new officers} LSNG, Mrs, A, Laine, ROVG, Mrs. B. Whent, were installed by a visiting team from Topaz LSVG, Lodge, Port Arthur, under the direction of Mrs, R. Leppar and Mrg,Owens were welco ed | D.D.P. Mrs. Helen Holm; others taking part - as guests at the exwcunlcans '| in the ceremony were; Miss Gladys Blanchard, Mrs. Holm me 18 intreduced as ey iM, Slater) a _(Continued on Page 1 aime ne--~eoek "zs eg EE TE SE Blain aes Teebicn cae ee ee ee ae i ie me 8 A op oi Photot abies « NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOK YOUR <Arro Ue FOR THAT CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT Jf \ DECEMBER 15TH TO 31ST ALREADY DOO '7 DE DISAPPOINTED - INSURE DELIVERY = CHRISTMAS CALL DOUG LARGE AT TAYLOR 5-3803 ~- = - - ALL WORK GUARANTEED TO SATISFY OR NO CHARGE | A ae a ta etna ne