_ Page 2 i | { ROSS PORT to attend, cubs TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY. CHURCH ~ Reve T, Garnett Husser 9.00 Agiitp - Sunday School+-Grades 2 and 3 9430 Ash, - Sunday School -Grade 4 and up 11,00 A,M, - Pre-school and Grade 1 11,00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - "Giants in the Way" 7200 Poh, = Young People's Bible Hour Studies in the Parables of Jesus (2) The Marriage Feast 8.00 Pelig --- HI-C Young People's = regular meeting in the Church School Roomse ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, Dean EyAeGallagher SATURDAY = Confessions 3-4 Peiie and 7-8 Peli, Sunday Masses - 8615 Aalis ~ 10 AoMs and 4,45. Peli During the week Masses are at 7645 Alle SATURDAY MASS - 9,00 Aelic ST.JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH hass every Monday evening at 7,00 P,lis GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 Pelig every Sunday SOW LEGION NOTES egion Pool Winners;+ Fight Pool;- Mr, M Sitko, Baseball Pool #1 - Ben Hayes, Baseball Pool #2 - Jack Brooks, Bond Draw;~ Mr, Alex Boyd, Kids, watch for the Legion Coloring Contest coming soon, in connection with our Armistice Day Program, Watch this coluwm in the "News#, REMEMBRANCE DAY We, the members of the local Legion, invite all to participate in our Remembrance Day Program, to pay tributc to our fallen sacrifice, Lest we forget, those who, paid the supreme sacrifice, They shall not die; Though they lie in foreign lands or rest in oceans deep, Theirs is to live for evermore, Lest We Forget, a oe MK «Legs ICQN (ee ar re ee rn PROGRAM - All veterans, wives and aan are invited to attend the "Armistice Day" supper. to be held at Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, on Sat. Nov, 10th, at 6:45 P.M, Tickets avail- able from any Legion.Executive,. On Sunday, November 11th at 2 P.M, 'Cenotaph j-- services will be conducted by Rev. T. Garnett Russer B.A., B.D. The Armistice Parade, under the auspices of The Royal Canadian Legion, will be directed by Parade Marshall John Falzetta, Veterans are asked to fall in at the Terrace Bay Arena at 1:40 P.M. Medals to be worn, The General public are cordially invited CUBS BECOME SCOUTS IN COLOURFUL CEXEMONY Friday night was an important night for thirteen olf Cubs as they left their chums in and went up into Scouts, The Scouts were | TERRACE BAY NEWS _ ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR. oHOTCE iene Cg | | | |? : Minor Hockey Association on Thursday October fe Straight Home, the Cubs left. October (255 1962 ee ae nena NO ge mse ao er SCHREIBER ST, JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH = Reve ReJeSsInshaw 8930 Ag, ~ Holy Communion 10,30 A.M, - Morning Service 5,00 Relic _ Evensong ST.ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH =~ Reve R,Crook 9e45 Agiiy - Sunday Schoo 11,00 AeM. - Morning Service | | j | | } The HI-C Group will bein charge of we ser= vices | HOLY ANGELS CHURCH = Reve JelieCano | Daily Mass = 7630 Asi, -- | Saturday Hass -- 9400 Aglis Saturday Confessions =~ 4--5,30 and 7=--8530 PeMe | SUNDAY MASSES = 8,00 ~ 9.30 = 11,00 AelMe EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH = Reve lie F.Kaija 10,00 A,M, - Sunday School 7,00 P.M. - Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundaye Bible Study on Fridays following Sunday Services GOSPEL MISSION - Mre Ron Sheffield Sunday = 11,00 A.M, - Family bible Hour 7,00 Pele -- Gospel Service Wednesday - 7.00 Peli, ~ Prayer Meeting en formed in a large horseshoe and the two Cub Packs formed in a large circle presenting a colourful picture for all the parents and friends present, Lead by their Akelas, Cub- master Clarence Rousseau, and Paul Malashewski; the following boys, Bobby Gould, Michael Kujbida, George Dashkewytch, Michael LeBlanc, Bobby Moores, Bob Hofland, Tony Matush, Reid Boutilier, Bobby Hales, Teddy Paget, Graham Coe, Tommy Knight and David Cruickshank were introduced to Scout Master Bill Megraw who, in turn, introduced them to the Scout Troop and their Patrol Leaders, Three Cheers were given by the Scouts, Then the Cubs had their Grand Howl and a after their Akela said, "Good Hunting and Go vows ae ilar sa The Scouts continued on with their meeting and enjoyed a lively game under the direction | of Ass*t Scouters Sam Ballentine and Brian Peterkin, Later in the evening Scouter Megraw presented the new Scouts with their guide book in Scouts. called-"Tenderfoot.to "Sueen Scout." He also presented Patrol Leader Brian} Hubelit with his First Class Badge, This is | quite an honour as it is the accumulation of at least two years. of hard-work and it is one of the most desirable badges in Scouting, With Scout Silence and the lowering of the Union Jack the meeting came to a close. ee ae NE EI A A LIBRARY NEWS: Book borrowers are hereby advised that a fine of .03¢ per Library day per library vebk will be charged for overdue books, effective November Ist. After the maximum fine of seventy-five cents has been reached, there will be a fifty cents per month fine levied for each month that the book is overdue, Ae eminent mf MINOR HOCKEY. AS SOCTATTON MEETING. THURSDAY SDAY There will be a meeting of the Terrace Bay 25th, at 7:30 P.M, in the small meeting room at the Recreation Centre.(Conttd on Page 4) se - Es Neem Nw em oe Reena nnn ~o