Ce OF Co MEETS (Cont'd fw im P parking facilities, .Some had received action and some had note The Chamber had noted wi interest the start of constuc- tion of a heated swimming pool and 'golf course in Terrace Bays _Recgmmendations had been made t@ the Bell Telephone Company with regard.to the Pay | TARRACE BAY NEWS WE ALWAYS GIVE October 11, 1962" wish to takes A suggestion by Mrs, Marsh that the Chamber favored more decorating for Christmas and for a longer period prior to Christmas, brought the request | that Gertrude Cotton approach | ( the Town Council with 'regard to | ' Town decorating, Dusinhess establishments will algo' be con- phones. " Financial aid had been THE PROPER PiNSE, tacted regarding a longer at given by the Chamber to the BEFORE WE GIVE of Christmas decorating, Terrace Bay Fish Derby, A list of additional tourist rooms had been established to. facilitate | the excess of tourists during the busy tourist season, An item of concern Mr, Paget felt, was winter promotion to get more traffic through the district, He also recommended the erection of a sign on the western approach to Terrace Bay. Thanking his Council members for their support during the past year, Mr. Paget felt that the Chambe had made-a significant contribution to" Terrac Day in the first year of its existance. In the absence of Mr, Kelty, the President | gave the financial statement and accepted the Auditors report from Bill Paillie, On the remarks of Mr, Adamo of a near accident on his Motel diive-way, and of Mr, Caccamo's comments'on the poor approaches to the shopping plaza, especially with ladies - pushing baby-carriages, a discussion ensued, with Mr. Adamo and Mr, Caccamo appointed as a committee to investigate and bring in a recommendation on this probleme As a member of the local Chamber, Mr, Ray Kenney presented his opinion that the industry is built on fishing, his own family having been connected with it for the past eighty to ninety yearses during the past weck he had seen so many nets set off Terrace Bays they were crossing one another, This, in an area, where there is supposed to be quota on Lake Trout, creating a biological dessert where Government strove to restock, Having- acquainted the Chamber of the issue, Mr. Kenney was requested by the President to head up.a committee to investi- | gate commercial fishing in Lake Superior adjacent to Terrace Bays Joe Adamo, Bill | Kujbida, Art LeBlanc, Lionel Waghorn and the President volunteered to work on this come_= aoe and make recommendation on action the YOUR Lanett RAMBLER ObALER RMcDOWELL MOTORS 211 VAN NORMAN PORT ARTHUR "\j . REPRESENTED BY IRCLE ROUTE SERVICE Terrace Day, Ontario FHONE TAYLOR 5-3645 SALES AND SERVIGZ FOR TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER MARATHON MANITOUWADGE denen ceemeeneeeneneeeenneeenen eee en ae ~- ate pen rete THE ainest TINTS BEAUTY & DRABER SHOP TERRACE BAY MOTOR HOTEL PHONE TA 5=3209 te renee creme metaneteerenentnnnamnnanenesenttly semana enatasatineiinajerensisl SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Sault Ste. Marie were holiday weekend visitor with his sister, Mrse Conley MacDonald and Mr, Art LeDlanc informed the | Chamber the Highschool, Board no longer paid for transporta- tion of the Grade XIIZ students: attending the Schreiber High- schools He was informed the Board now realized they were not inconsiderablee Mire Adamo | agreed to investigate the rea- ---- son why the Town is not contributing anything towards the transportation of these students. Mr. Adamo highly commended Mr. Sam Ziclke, on the trerendous job he had done in clearing up and landscaping his corner lot adjacent to the Highway, and felt public' recognition should be made of his efforts The first meeting of the new Council of the Chamber of Commerce was arranged for Thursday, Novenber Ist, at 7:30 Pele in the small meet ing room of the Recreation Centre, a Ae nearer eenreneee ~ cen teenanenire casera o1-aenpmensetsneigeentener eee a et Reet, te ar Julie Stachiw and Joan Lundberg motored home from Toronto for the holiday Lae gna | visiting their respective familiés, Mr. and Mrse Dill Stachiw and Mr. and Mrée Se raaaeret | \ Barbara Sweet and Joyce Valentino were hene from Kings College in Fort William for the long weekend visiting their respective He regretted to report that | familiese Mre and Mrs. Gordon Brown and Doreen of Port Arthur were holiday weekend visitors with their daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrse G. ' Galvin and children, Mr, and Mrs, J. Jeanneret left on Saturday for Toronto, from which point they will fly to the Dahamas for a vacation, accompanied as far as the Sault by Mrs». We Adamo and Edith and to Toronto by Marilyn Marshes They were -- Peter Phillips returned to the Lakehead College after the Thenksgiving weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Phillips. Mr. and Mrs, Art Carriere and family of family. tier itil mn Mrs. Helen Fedun is a patient in St. Je ~ Seph's Hospital, Port Arthur and is. wished a speedy recovery, Mr, and Mrs, Roland Wills returned home from Winnipeg last week where Roland had been in connection with the Boy Scout.work, and also enjoyed a visit with the Malcolm Craigse Mre and Mrs.' Bruce Latte! and family re = turnedhamilton, Ont. | (Cont'd on Page 9)