October 4, 1962 ' TERRACE BaY NEWS LLL A OC Bt At A CE CNG A NC a eae et + wy Nine acne suv ote lame nme semen Se Seren caitlin te fond be j : 9 re! 2 ene ees ee a MOTOR HC' EL ee ee eee erence oes ¢ Mo nday: October BY (962.6 ! | | | | | eS os] | I | | ! } i | | e_DINHER SERVED FROM: 6 ¥ 7-30 | : a FOR R RESERVATION 9 CALL. TA. GiB 3202 | 1 ieee THE Wolk GO Bing an APPLE E Sati : --:schiaseninenineaieiiatadaieio aaa aa AS Ste a et ee = ea STORK. CLUB : | REBEKANYS PLAN "FUNCTIONS , odd «Mrs. Florence Whent, N.G, and Mts, Jean | Born toy Mr. and Mrs. L, McBride of Terrace! Plummer ,V+G.were in charge of the regular meét~ Bay, a. Son on, weptember. 27th. ing of Ruby Rebekah Lodge #279 on September ts i | } F Mrs, Beth Macadam read minutes and corres-. = = | Born toy Mr, and Mrs, R, Campbell of Sch- 'pondence which included a notice from the loca Schreiber, . daughter ghadcFeber ist. IOOF of the official visit of Grand Master ae seedeiheetoes -- ~ Carl Dresser 'on October 18th when it is. hoped LADTES TEN PIN" BOWLING LEAGUE on ito organize av joint meeting of the two Lodges, | ane 2acies ten pin teague got off to a i? Mrs¢-Mary Legualt, PNG, gave a detailed fino stare ae week, -- Eaity ico enn, ve laccount of the Rebekah AsSembly Convention * ! Hanna borie which she attended in June, Sie cp E, gs .3 ae "Te M, Plut pou The following officers were elected: i.9? i lye Oe ad 'in 9, D. Thom a Sinner > atin Plumer, Noble Grand; Mrs, Orral. right, Pa a P ---- = * Vice Grand; Mrs, Beth Macadam, Recording Sec. E, Ostling 8, I, Pattison 5. Mrs. Helen Wallace, PODP, Financial Sec, Mrs... | _ Schedule for this week is as follows: Jessie Macadam, PNG, Trensenex: } Thursday - October 4 - Knauff vs, Pluto alley biicangeiiedite were made .to entertain firs' Heu- ie see --_ a 2 aii alley, lah Nyckie, Rebekah Assembly President, at. 1 & 24 W divin vs, Kelt alle 38 4, " jerepebial imcOeins on Optaher 17g camer NeeeTT 1 eek 1 v y jagreeing: to convene the conmittee in charge. ---~ apen--i---. -.--aeugs-ot22 wos00( Ggaeimied on eS) see ae