t rom SCHRE| RICHARDSON'S FETED (Conttd from Page 7) Roly Gander entertained in Mrs.Richardson's honor, assisted by Mrs, L.Christie, Corp. Ford Richardson was honored during the District 16, .0.P.P. Association meeting held last week in Schreiber, Corp, Richardson, who is the first chairman of the organization, presided at the meeting, Many representatives of the constables within the district were present with the local staff and Corp. J.D. White, Assistant Chairman and Corp, A,S,Eric- son, both of Port Arthur and Corp, AR, Edwards of Geraldton, A cheque from Kenora, District 17, where Corp. Richardson had been previously stationed was presented to him during the meeting, The local boys presented a gift, unique in | the annals of farewell presentations---an antique (dilapidated). piece of luggage - Fores gift wrapped outside AND lined inside with money, HOLY ANGELS P,T.A. MEETS The P,T.A, of Holy Angels Separate School held a meeting on September 20th with R.C, Campbell presiding and the opening prayer given by Father J,M,Cano. The Principal, Rev. Sister Lucille, presented the staff and Mr, Canpbell introduced the new slate of officers: Mrs.W,.Sheehan, Vice-President - Mrs, P,Leisan= der, Secretary - Mrs, A, Bourguignon, New members were welcomed, Mr.Campbcll stressed punctuality, stating that meetings will begin promptly at 8:15 and will, it is hoped, take but an hour for busi- ness, after which the social period is at the will. of the members, Standing Convenors aret- Mrs,, R,Sisson, membership - Mrs, W.Sheehan, Lunch = Mrs, D, McGuire, Press & Public Relations ~ Mr.Camp- bell and Mrs, A.Spadoni, fund raising = D, Stewart, programs. -.assisted by Mrs, Ly R, Tremblay and Mrs, Bourguignon - Mrs, A.Moorey and Mrs, R,Bedard, Reception - Mrs.S,Maronese with Mr.& Mrs, A,Spadoni , New Citizens Comm, A donation was, made. to the Unicef local committee and notice received re the CPTA Diocesan convention Sept.30th in Port Arthur, The President and Past President, Mrs, J, Branchaud were appointed delegates, It is hoped: that others will attend, The question box, in which considerable interest was shown last year, will be resumed, Several ideas for programes were gratefully accepted, The attendance prize was won by Mrs, D.Figliomeni's room and Mrs.D.Souliere won the draw prize, a framed print TERRACE BAY NEWS BOOKS 'SUITABLE FOR' HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ACCEPTED ALL HOMES IN SCHREIBER WILL BE CANVASSED 13 Inquiries should be directed to, BER: HIGH | | | Treasurer } September 27, 1962 HOUSE CANVASS SCHOO ey Campbell | | donated by. Mrs, D.Costa, Films taken by him were shown' by Mr. and lunch was served by Mrs. Rene Bedari's committee, ' HIGH SCHOOL HOME & SCHOOL MEETS | Principal 0,B,Fasan introduced his staff at the regular meeting of the Schreiber High Home» and School on September 17th, Mrs. 'J.R.Rummery. Vice-President, was in charge with Mrs. T.P, Whent secretary protem and Mrs, D,D*Amours giving the financial statement, Mr,Fasan thanked the members for providing lunch at the Commencement dance, The October meeting will be held in the Tow: Hall, An invitation to Mrs,Maxwell of the Lakehead will be extended and a social hour will follow the meeting. Mrs,Gary Drake will be lunch Convenor for the occasion, Used books, in good condition or worth hav- ing repaired, were again solicited for the school library, Students will collect these at a specified time, A letter of thanks was sent to the Catholic Women's League for use. of their coffee urn. Representatives for the various grades. are:;- Mrs.S.Kusik and Mrs, D,Stewart - Grade 9, Mrs.G.Drake and Mrs, J,St,Jean - Grade 10, Mrs,R.Fournier - Grade. 10 and Mrs,Rummery agreed to act. for Grades 12 and 13 until other: members can be named, | a dee-cennedl| | ! } i | } } t ? t | | PUBLIC SCHOOL, BOARD MEETS W.G.Furlonger presided for the September meeting of the Public School, Board with all members and principal H,M.Ermel attending, Accounts amounting to $3,793.60 were passed for payment and $3,000 requested from Municipai Coureil,. Secretary W,S.Harris was instructed | to post notices calling fer tenders for fuel. | oil for the school, | Mr. Furlonger said he will arrange a meeting | with 0,B,Fasan to discuss the sick leave plan. | for teachers, R.8.Simon will be contacted _re- garding pupil insurance, _A reply to Dr,J.M, Cornell stated that the Board is not consider- ing any revision of the school nurse?s salary. | | { ' i | t } i { j DOLPHICE PORTELANCE BURIED IN SCHREIBER Requiem High Mass was celebrated in Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church on September 20 by Father J,M,Cano for the late Dolphice Portelance whose death occurred in Sudbury. cn September 16th, -- Mr.Portclance, who was born in St, Joseph, Ontario, came to Schreiber in 1908 and remaine: here as an' engineer with the CPR. until his retirement, at the agé of 53, (Cont?d P,9) ete ree : i ! i { { ' we