Vol. 5, No. 11 Serving the District in which we live u March 15,1962 QUALITY TRIALS TAKING PLACE AT MILL During the next year, the Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Mill will be operating at or near full capacity provided that pulp quality standards can be met, The pulp produced will be used in the manufacture of book paper or converting products, In these highly competitive fields, quality is very important and the quality ef the fin- ished products is greatly influenced by that | of the pulp that goes into their manufacture, | As the market for book paper and convert~ ing products becomes more competitive, it begins to look as though each of these products requires pulp with different characteristicse In order to tailor-make pulp, special trials are carried out from time to time to determine the effect of many variables and operating conditions on the characteristics of the pulp. Preparations are now under way for such a trial, A crew of approximately 40 men from the Kimberly-Clark Woodlands Division at Longlac are currently cutting pulp wood about 15 niles | north of Terrace Bay. The wood. that is -- being cut will be used in a trial to determine| the effect on pulp quality of the various spruce=pine mixes, They are cutting approx- imately 1500 cords of pine together with the spruce that is growing with it in the area. This wood will be trucked to the Mill Wood- yard and stored separately until the special trial is to be run, At that time, it will be mixed with the regular stored wood going to the mill, and its effects on the quality of the Pulp will be measured. Information from this trial will be useful in maintaining present pulp quality or inimproving it to meet the changing. requirements of the customers, At the same "ime of course, process variables affecting quality within the mill will receive full attention, SRAMBER OF COMMERCE CHARTER NIGHT HELD A Chamber of Commerce in Terrace Bay was officially launched Saturday evening, when,' during Charter Night festivities, Reeve J.P, Heenan invested Cas Paget as President and ' J, Caccamo as Vice President to receive a standing ovation from local and visiting members of district Chambers, : Preceded by a Commerce Committee some two years previously, vho, under the jurisdiction of the Town Council, laid the foundation for the formation of a Chamber of Commerce ; "hrough the efforts of a few,sufficient interest was aroused to warrant the granting of a Charter gnd Saturday evening saw the culmination cf that work, President of the new Chamber of Commerce, Mr, Paget, welcomed the visiting delegation } { t pol | from Chambers in Fort William, Port Arthur, Nipigon and Schreiber who swelled the ranks on this momentous occasion for the Terrace Bay Charter members. Mr, Paget, for the interest of the visitors, summarized the Many items pursued and being pursued by the Chamber for the betterment of the town, The pleasure of introducing the special guest of honor, Mr, Alexander Phillips, General Manager of the Northwestern Ontario Development Association, fell to Ken MacLeod, Chairman of Publicity, Mr, Phillips began his address recalling with humor another historic occasion prompted by the introductory reference to his athletic abilities elaborat- ing on how he, with a little assistance from the coach, brought the Memorial Cup to the Lakehead forty years agoe Promotion of Northwestern Ontario was the theme Mr. Phillips chose to elaborate to his fellow members the many ideas worked upon to bring growth through industry and tourism to this part of Canada. The benefits already begun to be felt last year in Terrace Bay had been through tourist promotion, The Lake- head's Ray Beggs, Brien O'Brien and Harvey Johnson had started in two years before to promote interest in this country prior to the opening of the Highways Wawa's goose was already continentally known. Now Dryden is building an eighteen foot moose and Beardmore has decided upon a thirty foot snowman, The enterprising endeavours of a few citizens in Beardmore who had conspired to create the Moose Mountain Lodge were already reaping their rewards, Subsidiary development in Terrace Bay, Mr. Phillips continued, should be encouraged through the Chamber of Commerce, There is nothing for which they should despair, for this is truly an empire of great natural resources. We are so remote, one from another that we sometimes fail to realize the development we have achieved, Mr. Phillips emphasized we are the voice of a quarter of a million people and we have to have a united front, Lack of foresight and development had been evidenced when the pipeline, instead of cutting through northwestern Ontario, had been by-passed into Minnesota. These: lapses must never be allowed again, In closing Mr, Phillips encouraged Terrace Bay to align themselves with Northwestern Ontario and to develop their attractive little community, this being a section of Canada second to none, Mr, Joe Adamo gratefully acknowledged the import of Mr, Phillip's message and his inspiration to the new Chamber, Greetings and best wishes were brought to the new Chamber by Lindon McIntosh, President of the Ft, William Chamber of Commerce, Don McEwan President of the Port Arthur Chamber, Don Cochrane, President of the Nipigon Chamb- er and Bob Spadoni President of Schresber Chamber. A large delegation accompanied the _ Lakehead executive for the Charter Night.