, SOMMUNETY CHURCH - Rev, J» Raymond Anderson TERRACE 8.00 A.M. -- Anglican Communion 9,00 A.M. - Sunday School, Grades 2 and 3 9.30 A.M, - Sunday School, Grade 4 and up 11.00 A.M, - Beginner's Sunday School 11,00 A.M, - DIVINE WORSHIP + "Waiting for the Saviour" 7.00 r,M, - C.G.1.T, Christmas Vesper Service 8,00 P.M, a Hi-C meeting ' ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean EsA. Gallagher ' SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P,M, and 7-8 P.M, ,Mass during the week at 7,45 and on Saturday at 9 A.M, ST MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY . Open from 2 to 3 P.M. every Saturday ROS SPORT - §$T. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH 'Mass every Tuesday at 7.00 PeM, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M, every Sunday ead Se ISS KET SS OY SLGt D! 2 U an ROVE ON AGIG COMM, CHURCH LADIES AUXILIARY HOLDS MEETING President Mrs, V, Galvin welcomed Rev. . Anderson and members of the Afternoon and _ Evening groups of the Ladies Auxiliary to ' Chisholm accompanied the opening Hymn "Silent see their Christmas meeting, December 4 in the Terrace Bay Community Church, Mrs, Marilyn Night', Minutes and correspondence were read by Secretary Mrs, A, Farrow and Mrs. M, Ward gave the Treasurer's report, Report of convenors were; Sick and Visiting - Mrs. F, Knight, Ways and Means - Mrs, H, Farrell, Publicity - Mrs. M, Chisholm, Program - Mrs, 0, Chapman who mentioned the arrangements for a Worship ' period for the annual meeting in January, | Lunch - Mrs. B, Peterkin, Mrs, Galvin thanked Mrs, E,. Beddard, | convenor and Mrs, R, Smith and Mrs, H,Farrell ' co=convenors of the Christmas Bazaar, also to Mrs. J.R. Anderson and the Junior Choir . for arrangement of the lovely tea on Saturday. 'Mrs, Beddard presented her report on the ; Bazaar and thanked her co-workers and the convenors of. the various tables and the many : who had worked towards the success of the ' Bazaar, She requested appreciative letters be sent to the C.G.1,T, for their assistance | and decoration of the Church Hall for the occasion, to Costas Foodmaster for their ' donations and to Mrs, Goodall and Mrs, : Chisholm Sr, for their assistance with the doll clothes, Boy Scouts Derek Wills and David Mercier were introduced and received the toys which were presented for their Boy Scout Toy Chest by Mrs, Galvin, Mrs, I, Pattison and Mrs, R, Paget volunteered to audit the books, A nominating } committee of Mesdames A, Smith, H. Farrell, | B, Peterkin and M, Lundberg were appointed, ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE | STe JOHN'S - ~ BAY NEWS SCHREIBER ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev.R.J.S.iInshaw Holy Communion - Family Service - Morning Service Evensong 9,00 A.M, 10,00 A.M, 11.00 A,Me 7.00 P.M, ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R. Crook 9.45 A.M, = Sunday School 11.00 A.M, -- MORNING SERVICE - 7,00 P.M, = Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Reve J.M,Cano Daily Mass - 7,30 A.M, Saturday Mass ~ 9.00 AM, Saturday Confessions - 4.30 to 5.30 P.M. and 730 to 8.30 PM, SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00 - 9.30 and 11,00 A.M. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Pastor M, Kaija 10,00 AeM,. - Sunday School - every week 7.00 P,M, - Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundays. Dible study on Fridays following Sunday service. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr, Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11 A.M. - Family Hour 7 FoM - Gospel Service Wednesday - 7 P.M. - Prayer Meeting Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. E, Maitland and Rev. Anderson closed with the Benediction before speaking on The Christmas Message. Mrs, Anderson led the group in Carol singing accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Chisholm, Rev. Anderson was graciously thanked for his inspiring message and Mrs, Anderson for her direction with the singing, The members were grouped in making table decorations before fruit salad and tea were served by Mesdames I, Goodfellow, K, Kelly, B, Peterkin, B, Williams, A, Farrow and H, Farrell. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE HOLD CHRISTMAS MEETING The Christmas theme was used throughout 'the Chapter Night program when the Women of the Moose met Wednesday evening at the Moose Hall in Terrace Bay. Senior Regent A, Stachiw called the meeting to order and pre- Sided throughout the ritual procedure. There were fourteen co-workers in attendance and the Social Welfare Committee chaired by Edith Ibey was in charge of the program. The highlight of the evening's entertain- ment was an informative: address on adoption by Miss Camilla Todesco, B.A. of Port Arthur's Children's Aid Society. This was very interesting and many doubts were cleared regarding Foster Parent's responsib- ilities and qualifications. The Committee had a Button Contest where contestants sewed various types of buttons in a pattern or design on cardboard eovered with cloth, 'This contest was won by the Senior Regent A, Stachiw, Her button design had the heart with Faith, Hope and Charity beautifully worked in variou buttons of different colors and sizes, There were many lovely designs entered in the cont- est which made it difficult to choose a win ning design, M, Duriez was the lucky winner of a pair of china figurines for the raffle draw. The luncheon table was covered with a Christmas eloth with (Continued on Page 8) December 14, 1961