STORK CLUB Born to, Mr, & Mrs, H, Blanchette, of Schreiber, a daughter on Sept, 27th, Born to, Mr, & Mrs, F,V | Roen, of Schreiber, a | daughter on Sept, 29th, i Born to; Mr, & Mrs. | ' | Ralph Cole, Terrace Bay, ; & son on October lst, Born to, Mr. & Mrs, Ross Mitchell, Terrace Bay: a son on October Ist, Born to, Mr, & Mrs, W. Heinrich, of Schreiber, | a son on October 2nd, Born to, Mr. & Mrs. J, Magi, of Terrace Bay, a daughter on October 2nd., | _------ COUNCIL QUOTES (from Fg.1) | be sent by Councillor Lyi te wg Evans-Smith, to the Kiwanis Club represer .tat- ive in charge. Reev: Ferrier felt the Town Constables also des served a great deal of cre:dit, together with the students responsitle, the School Staffs and the Kiwanis Club, Following a request by the Commerce Com- mittee to furthe: cfforts in obtaining a Trailer Camp and Swinming Pool in the Town, ; & group had beer forméd representing the Committee, the &ccreation Association and (éill's Kadio 2TV Contre SCHREIBER rr, PHONE 145 I Deale- In evectRoHoMe Tv AND HI-FI SETS AND GvE. APPLIANCES | | | | : | | Sporting Goods - INCLUDING | RIFLES, SHOTGUNS AND AMMUNITION | | | | | Peeriter cath Try ALSO REPAINS TO -RADICS ANB ALL SMALL APPLIANCES --_ Say ' CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY -- OPEN WED. AFTERNOONS TERRACE BAY NEWS JUST ANNOUNCED BY KODAK... AND AVAILABLE HERE RIGHT NOW! Foster! KODACHROME II FILM Great news for color-slide fans . . Kodachrome Il Filmy for still and movie cameras is 2% times os fast as regular Kodachrome, yet it takes sharper pictures with brighter colors. With it, you can take | cutiful Kodachrome color slides or movies in less light. You can capture action or stop down your lens to put more of your scene in sharp focus. t i sek-end! in 135, 828, 8mm or | 6mm sizes. Pe RRACE BAY \. Sie. | Looked. been cancelled until the following weekend, Gordon Palmer, Mary Lou Elliott, Pat Doran. October 5, 1961 riecserereterires Cenuncil to meet with the PA owners of the property. A The group was advised there is no. restriction _con developing the swim- ming pool, A further meeting will be held with the Commerce Com- mittee to discuss further Trailer Camp possibilit- ies. Councillor Heenan enquired about fluorid- ation and was informed the subject had apparent- ly aroused very little interest among local res- idents, A report about a dog left tied at the site of the new business building was referred to Councillor Duncan to con- sider with Chief Constab-| le Billings. | Councillor Evans-Smi th | enquired about arrange~ ments for the laying of the cornerstone at the Utilities Building, Reeve Ferrier suggested arrangements could be made when information on Mr, Strike's itinerary Better! am . movie-makers! =< s: =i BS was received, Councillor Duncan noted that while some acts of hospitality in the town had been noted, the Town's Fire Chief had been over- Fire Chief Hofland and his wife had taken into their home the wife and child of an accident victim while he recovered suffi- ciently in the Terrace Bay Hospital to return to their home in Toronto, Reeve Ferrier closed the meeting by passing along to Council a word:of praise received from Mr.Kellett, President of Kimberly-Clark Corporation and also on the Canadian Board. Mr,. Kellett had commended Reeve Ferrier on the splendid showing in town which, in turn, gave a good reflection on the parent company. NO ART CLASS THIS WEEK word has just been received that the art lesson reported on page two of this issue has HERE_& THERE IN SCHREIBER Fred Parker spent the weekend with the R, Macadams, enroute from Vancouver to his home in Montreal. KINETTES & KINSMEN ENJOY OUTING The Schreiber Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs held a Steak Barbecue and Social evening at the Alex Gordon's Camp, Selim, last weekend. Members and guests present were, Mr.& Mrs, Alex Gordon, Mr.& Mrs.P.Speziale, Mr,& Mrs, R.Wood, Mr.& Mrs,Geo.Riley Mr.& Mrs. W.Weaver, Mr.,&@ Mrs, Rene Bedard, Mr,& Mrs.R.Turner, Mr.& Mrs,.Reg,Bailey, Mr.& Mrs. 0.B.Fasan, REBEKAH ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT. VISITS SCHREIBER On Sept.16th members of Ruby Rebekah Lodge held a special meeting to welcome the Presi- dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, Mrs, Helen Bowman, who was making her official visit. The visiting party were guests ata | j i Motor (Cont?d P