An important "thirst" announcement! NOW IN TERRACE BAY THE MAN FROM SCHWEPPES AND HIS WORLD-FAMOUS DRY GINGER ALE something extra special at doméstie prices. Only Schweppes has Schweppervescence -- the unique form of locked-in carbonation "that doesn't waste itself in the bottle or gliss. The intriguing little bubbles' burst only on your fongue... heightening your appreciation. of each delicious, '"gingery"' sip. Ask for Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale by the bottle, by the carton, or by the ease. Your guests will-appreciate it. The bearded gentleman beside the bottle is Commander Whitehead, from ° the eelebrated House of Schweppes in London, Iengland.. He invites all connoisseurs. of Ginger Ale to drink Schweppes and taste what they've beer missing! Yes, this is the one...the "Eniperor'" of Drv Ginger Ales ..buovant, piquant...7nfinitely more delt- cious. It's made from 7 ported essenees and battled here under the Comman- ders supervision, so you can enjoy 4 as F hare sl haces : Mag OL th Gm halle Retailers may obtain supplies by calling NORTH SHORE BOTTLING WORKS TA 5-3515 Simcoe Plaza Terrace Bay AUTHORIZED BOTTLER FORSCHWEPPES PRODUCTS IN THE TERRACE BAY AREA.