Page 8. [WOMEN OF THE LOOSE (ContTd from Page 7) | Kay Furyk-end her Mooseheart committee were | luncheon hostesses and in keeping with their | subject of the month presented a beautiful {Christmas motif on the tea table. The draw (prize was won by ann Todosco and the raffle | Went to Mr, Maltais of Schreiber, The noxt ' Iseting will be held on October 19, Mrs, C, Mitchell lcft Tuesday with her (daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, George | Pollock, Merion Jim end Lorraine as they , returned to their home in Neepawa, Manitoba, 'and will visit with them for the coming month. | &xel Berndtsson has returned home after his | lengthy siege in Deer Lodge Veterans Hospital, 'Winnipeg and is reportedly progressing satise= | factorily. | Jean and Herman Roberts motored. to Sault Ste, Marie for tho long weekends { Vivian end Francis Hanna with Alice Joy en : Don Blom motored to Sault Ste. Maric to spend ithe Thanksgiving weckend with Connie and Bob :Bugella, formerly of Terrace Bay, | -lir'lene' and Peter Levis of Fort Willian ivisited with Peter's uncle Joe Campbell end 'family for the pask week. i Katherine Smith, enjoyed e birthday perby ,Jctober 3rd to celebrate her tenth birthday, 'Your girlfriends arrived for dinner and ganes (and returned home, with their party treats. ' Mr, and Mrs, Willard Vezina with Mrsgrand Mrs 'Lorne Vezina motored to Sault Ste, Marie for ) the long weekend, |. dir, and Mrs, E, Montey arrived from Dryden )60 spend the Thanksgiving weekend with thoir Jaughters Elsie Berndtsson, Loris Gerlach, 'large Larson and Nora Peterse Mr,.and irs, Bill Baillie enjoyed a visit Sault Ste. Marie last weekend. |. Visitors at the home of Isobel and John 'Jelarondée recently have been lirs, Midline einrich of Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs, J, Reid 'of @ppleton, Wisconsin, Charlie Balezewski and 'ierman Gerber of Exeland, Wisconsin, Norman Otred of Matuson, Wisconsin, Mr, and lirs, A, Bennett, Gerald Aymes and Robert Bergston of gplar, Wisconsin, most of whon successfully 'cqok part in the opening of Moose hunting in jchis district. » My, and Mrs, John Mikus motored to Sault Ste, Marie last weekend to attend the marriage of John's nephew, | diudrey and John Verscheure arrived from ,Vinnipeg on Thursday to visit for a woek with ;audrey's sister Mrs, Reg Cotton and fanily. : Norine and Harry Coe and children and iarry 's mother Mrs_ 4, Coe travelled to the ' hto o 26ult-last weekend to visit with relatives, Colleen. ani Elmer Persson and children ijvisited last weekend with Colleen's mother Mrs, (Pe Brown and sister Mrs, G Johnston both of ort William, LivOiTLOAY Gf | Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Lemon from Couchenour, nt. end their daughter Ruth of Patterson Hall, ort William were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrse Alox Sinkins, | Marg and Charlie Simeor visited with 'sherlie's mother Mrs, 4A, Simer and sister Mrs, , toy Knikbs of Fort William last week, and over 'the weekend Mrs, Knibbs and son Yon visited , them in Terrace Bay, | Hlvirea Woods travelled to Atikoken for the thanksgiving holiday -to visit with rclatives, { Mr. and Mys, Welter Lundeen an BeverLey 'of Hagle River spent the long weekend with 'their daughter Bun Larson and family, They "ere acoompanicd by a nophew Ron danger. also of ThiRaCi BAY NEWS October 12, 1960 LUNUUO UO eee TT eh Look for the tz TO BE DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR THIS WEEK- END, (IN SCHREIBER - DELIVERED TO 1¢ SALE - HOUSEHOLDERS VIA MAIL). SPECIAL ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 PLUS 1¢ EFFECTIVE OctI7 #6 22% STCP .«.« that cough with REXALL'S NEW 'COUGH CENTER TABLETS! -- SAFE FOR EVERYBODY - CHILDREN AS WELL AS ADULTS, ANOTHER SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED AT ...... Sb CtMs * > ATE é ILE me BAY \ ik 2 "A Hagle River. Gordon Galvin celebrated his seventh birth~ day on Saturday with e theatre party for his friends fohlowed by a birthday supper 'and favors at home, Mr, and Mrs, Gordo Brown With Jon and Doreen and Mr, and Mrs, art Peckctt all of Port Arthur spent the holiday weekend visiting Virginia and Gary Galvin, Stella and Bill Sadowick with Ann Stachiy and daughter Julie motored to Sault Ste, Maric to spend the long weekend visiting Commie and Bob Burella, . ; Marg-and Sax Lundberg had their daughter Joan home from Heron Bay and accompanying her was Audrey Durand, ; Jessie Ratchford flew to Jamaica, Long Island New York to visit with Mary Spano on her holidays and a stopover in Toronto enroute home to visit Mr. and Mrs, E, Merriott, formers ly of Terrace Bay, Bert Ratchford travelled to Kenora to spend his vacation with his brothersineLaw and sister Mr, and Mrs, Henry Wolfe. ATM AUC i Mrs, Ted Young spent a week in Sault Ste, Marie, returning last Friday accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, Bert Young and son Michacl, Weekend visitors at the Young home were Mr, & Mrs. Norman Young of Timmins. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT (Cont'd from Page 1) obtained from €y- My McIntosh, uvirector of the Quetico Conference & Training Centre, Kawene, Ontario or from R.A, Hallonquist, Manager, Northwestern Ontario Timber Operators Assoc= iation at Port Arthur, The course is sponsored by the Quetico Con- ference and Training Centre with the support of the Northwestern Ont, Chambers of Commerce. |