a ee nee reer ge nee ereseenenmneneaneneenen: | 'will be turned over to the authorities for attention Bowlersd i fuesday, Septenber 20th, at 7.3) PoM, in the 'orge meeting roan at the Rec. Centre, '4b a point to attend, rs, K, Graham, phone 3391; Mixed Ton Pins _/« Thompson, phone 3274; Men's Ton Pin League « 'Xe HE, Kettle, phone 3526, Men's Five Pins - | APS 6 J. Hall, phone 3266, 'Last week in September, ; Passing, Lame , in your garage the door should be kept locked 'whether your car is in it or not, 90 contact the following people by the end of i he weeks On Saturday, Septaubor 10th, Alexander Macuonald passed away suddenly at bis home in Terrace Bay, d&lex was stricken ill early in July, 1960 and had not boen at work since that time. His sudden passing was a shock to the entire community as he seemed to bo making good progress and he was in apparent good | spirits. | On Sunday, Soptember llth at 2.00 P.M, in the Community Church a Masonic Funeral service was held for him, 4t 3,00 P.M. a sorvice for the public was also held. Interment took place in Riverside Cemetery, Port Arthur, on September 13th, from the Everest Funeral Home, The funeral service in Port Arthur was attende ed by many of 4lox's friends from Terrace Bay, "lox MacDonald. was one of the original residents of Terrace Bay, He began working for the Kimberly-Clark mill in May, 1946, He worked as a Head Storekeeper and Head Service= nan being promoted to Materials Handling Foree man in September, 1953 which position he held' at the time of his death. "San "old-timer" of Terrace Bay, 4lox was always active in community affairs, He'was a charter member of the Curling Club, the Kiwanis Club andthe Masonic Lodge, He was a past~president of the Men's Curling Club, He was very active in the Magonic Lodge, being a Past Master of that fraternal organization. He was also a member of the Terrace Bay Rec» reation Committee for four years and for the past year he was the Chairman of that organize ations lex is survived by his son Bruce Macdonald of Terrace Bay, his parents Mr, & Mrs,' iy MacDonald of Port 4rthur, two sisters Mrs, Margaret Crompton of Fort arthur and Mrs, Janet Skinner, Fort Willian, and a brother John MacDonald of Toronto, The sympathy of the entire community is extended to those bereaved by &lex's sudden ines reeeeemeemememmemsneetnanmmmenne dames aeeten mms ann ene ee Notice From The Terrace Bay Fire Derertment Once again, young lads have been setting fire to oily rags in one of the garage camp oundse This is a highly dangerous practice and one that all parents should strenuously discourage, Anyone caught setting such fires discipline, To make sure this docs not happen There will be a mecting of all bowlers Make Changes in the Constite ution will be discussed. 411 persons intcrested in bowling are asked hoy Ladies! Five Pin League ~ Mrs. R, 'arris, phone 5241; Ladies! Ten Pin League » 'e Belliveau, phone 3504; Mixed_Five Ping ~ Bowling commences approximately the second TERR4&CE BeaY NEWS PARTRIDGE SEASON OPENS - the deer season October 15th. SPECKLED TROUT SEASON CLOSES THURSDAY - September 15th is the opening day for the duck, geese and partridge season, Moose season opens on October lst and Those hunting for the first time will have qualified by taking a Hunters Safety League course. Others are likely to be more mindful of safety after they have had to produce either last year's license or an affidavit indicating they have hunted before. Bag limit for partridge is five per day with a possession limit of twenty. FILM AVAILABLE As there has been a great deal of interest shown in the "Mouth to Mouth" method of artificial respiration, a film titled "That They May Live" will be avail- able to interested groups for showing until September 20th. Anyone wishing this film, contact V. Thompson at the Mill. SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER HOLD MEETING The regular meeting of Silver Birch Chapter #264, 0.E.S., was held on Monday evening in the Community Church Hall with Mrs. J. Rowley, Worthy Matron, and Mr, A, Sinkins, Worthy Patron, presiding. Regular business of the Chapter was conducted. A new member was welcomed into the Chapter and the meeting concluded with a delightful lunch served by Mrs. Pearl Rattray and her committee, On Friday evening, September 2nd, the officers of Silver Birch Chapter gathered at the home of Mrs. Justine Buffet ,Schreiber, to bid her farewell before leaving for Castlegar B.C., where she and her family will make their new home. Mrs. Buffet was formerly an officer of the Silver Birch Chapter, Terrace Bay, Mrs. Buffet was made the recipient of two gifts; one presented by Mrs. Marjorie Lundberg from the Chapter and the other presented by Mrs. Alice Farrow on behalf of the officers, Following presentations lunch was served, QUETICO CONFERENCE AND TRAINING CENTRE The Quetico Conference and Training Centre at Kawene, Ontario, will be the setting October 14th to 16th for an Audio- Visual Workshop sponsored by the Northwester Ontario Film Federation. Kepresentatives will arrive at the centre Friday evening anticipating a busy weekend of instruction on the proper and effective use of films ami film strips in the classroom and with community groups, Mr. H.L. McNaught, Inspector of Special Services for the Audio-Visual Branch of the Ontario Dept. of Education, Toronto, will be present, He will be lecturing on and demon- strating the proper methods of using films and filmstrips in the classroom. Enrolment should be made by October 8th to Mr, W. Dougall, Public Library, Ft. Wm.