ed -- : Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS May 26, 1960 TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr, A, Lavender ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHYRCH - Rev.R, Inshaw Sunday, May 29th, 1960 8.30 A.M, - Holy Communion 9,30 A.M, - Senior Sunday School 11,00 A.M. - Mattins 11.00 A.M, - Junior Sunday School 7.30 P.M, - Evensong This will be the final session of Sunday 9,30 A.M, Church School UNITED CHURCH - Rev, R, Crook 11.00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP -- se lb -10500-A,M, - Suriday School "Second Sight" 11,00 A.M, - Morning Worship 7.00 P.M, - Evening Service ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P,M, and 7-8 in HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, Father J.M.Cano the evening, DAILY MASSES - 7,30 A.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday Saturday Confessions ~ 4 to 5.30 P.M. - 7.30 to 9 roite SUNDAY MASSES - 8,00, 9,30 and 11,00 A.M, at 8.30 A.M. ermine eesti ee eee ee eee School for the Season, ST.MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY SUNDAY EVENING DEVOTIONS - 7,30 A.M, Open from 7 to 8 P.M, every Wednesday night. Baptisms by appointment only. | ROSSPORT - ST.JOHN BERCHMAN!S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH | Mass every Monday evening at 7.30 P.M, 10,00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION "7 Wh ia (> Sunday ~-- 11.00 A.M, - Sunday School VA { [ | ( 2) ~ 2.00 P.M. - Rossport Sunday School ] jens pe 7.00 P.M, - Gospel Service on P.M Wednesday - 8 P.M, - Prayer and Praise | i i (ee | OPEN MEETING HELD BY CANCER SOCIETY BRANCH Members of the Terrace Bay Horticultural An open meeting of the Terrace Bay Branch Society may still place their orders for / of the Cancer Society was held in the small fertilizer or manure by calling Mrs.Hubelit, | meeting room of the Recreation .Centre.on Wed= 3725, | nesday evening, May 18th with the President | ion the Chair. Mrs,Helmink welcomed the Doris and Ken MacKay were down from the ladies present and called on Mrs,Maitland Lakehead visiting with the Alex Marquis fam- for the minutes of the previous meeting. ily and their many friends in Terrace Bay. ; The Treasurer's report was given, The President had attended a Conference i Mr. A,Hewson and Ken Lovering of Fort ' in Toronto in February in connection with i ! William are visiting with Mr.Hewson's daugh- ter Evelyn Partington and George has his brother Jimmy Partington down from Winnipeg for a visit. Cancer campaign work and arrangement and re- , ported a worthwhile and stimulating session, ! Mrs.Marcella, our Campaign Chairman. reported onthe amount donated by residents of Terrace _ Jim Erickson is home for the summer with Bay other than those connected with Kimberly- his parents Mr.& Mrs. S.E,Erickson, Jim is Clark, This had been forwarded to Port in his second year at Ryerson Institute of Arthur and the Kimberly-Clark donation will Technology in Toronto, be forwarded next. month, She also reported Also home from their studies at Ryerson on the sale of In Memorium cards, Her thanks Institute are John and.Claude Boudreau to + were expressed to all the canvassers who helped spend the summer with their parents Mr.& Mrs. in the campaign. A letter was read from Mr, Don Boudreau. John is in his second year Bev. Porter thanking this branch for their and Claude in his third. campaign efforts so far. The Secretary. reported on the. District Council meeting held in Pt,Arthur in March Jessie and Bert Ratchford spent the past week in Duluth, Minnesota. a COE. OD SN BO ts Nh 2 8m Case. sie Following adjournment.a film entitled "The Traitor within" was shown and the Society was indebted to Miss Cathy Smith who operated the projector, and pointed out with the annual meeting in Mr.& Mrs, George Spees of Fort William October all branches are expected. to appoint spent the long weekend with their daughter. |, a representative to this Council instead. of Doreen Kurylo and family, | just. one for the whole district as is now the ft . Mrs, Jim Beddard returned home last week | } from Mworth Bay where she attended the Gradua- tion Exercises of her daughter' Diane at the North Bay Teachers College, Diane accompanied) her Mother home and will spend the summer in Terrace Bay before leaving to teach in Fort 3 Willi t fall. e Women of the Moose, Chapter 1426. held illiam next fa | their regular meeting on Wednesday evening; Sandra Leigh Locking hasbeen home a week | | May 18, with the Senior Regent Betty O!Neil from North Bay. Teachers College where she | in the chair. Business of the Chapter was successfully completed her first term. Sandra | discussed and the correspondence read by the will vacation in Kenora this summer with her | | Secretary. parents, Mr,& Mrs, Dave Locking, and continue | | A delicious lunch was served by the Member- | her course next Fall at the Lakehead. | ship Committee and the draw prize was won. by Myrna Crandlemire is another student home | | Ann Didura, The next meeting will be held on from a successful term at North Bay Teachers | June Ist, College and is visiting for a few weeks with | Cont'd Page 3 Le eee er nc