paviein-diachiineninioamendiaarai RR RN ESN I EE NN A A eS an ee Page 8 MEN ASSIST AT TEA - Cont'd from Pg. 4 lace cloth and centred with African Violets flanked by mauve tapers were Mrs.S.Chicoine, | Mrs, L. McCuaig, Mrs. R. Crook and Mrs, A, Gordon. Highlight of the afternoon was provided by_servitors Hughie Stewart, Alec Gordon, Lester McCuaig and Bill Furlonger. CaRD OF . THANKS «(Cont'd from' page 7). nurses who stood so faithfully at my bedside and a special thanks to'hev,Jean Gallagher and Father Cano, also the parishioners of both Terrace Bay and Schreiber for the many prayers offcrred on my behalf, "Many "thanks to both the local Unions and Loyal Order of Moose for everything received through them; also to-my many friends who visited me while in hospital, (Signed) * Edward St sDoiiiies 'LATOUR_RINK WIN LONGLAC TROPHY Congratulations to Skip T,Latour, 3rd: 4nn Latour, 2nd H,Gusul and lead Stella Gusul who emerged winners of -the LongLac Trophy through a twelve rink round robin series in the mixed-curling withvonly one loss. Although most teams had at. lLeast»two games left to play through. postponements, the Latougz rink remains the undisputed winner as none of the others had less than three losses, 4 great deal of interest has mushroomed in mixed curling and it is*hoped that more .cur- lers will participate in the Longlac. Trophy event next season, CURLING CLUB BANQUET PLii.NED The 'Annual Wind-up Banquet and Dence will be held in the "cose Hall on Saturday, May 14th, starting at.6.30 Psi. Refreshments -- Will be availablein the hall from-6.30 Pl, ail members of the Men's and-Ladies! Clubs and their partners are invited -to attend the banquet and dance, Guest couples may be brought to the dance by making arrangements for guest tickets through Don Whitley in advance. Trophies and Prizes will be given out after the Banguct. Music for the dance will be supplied by adamo's Orchestra~so let's have a good crowd, ~ Tickets are available from Don Whitley, Lou Duquette, Len Crockford and Jim MacDon~ ald. If you plan on attending the banquet, please contact one of the ticket sellers as soon as possible so that we! know how ney plates to order, . % MOVIES START SATURDAY The first movie onthe List of Hollywood productions to be shown by the Recreation Association, is Walt visney's DARBY O'GILL AND THE LITTLE PEOPLE. It's a wonderful film for children and adults alike. Be sure to bring the kiddies. and to come yourself, Information on the film shows is as. foll+ ows: Starting time - 7 P.M, (Ticket Oifice. opens at 6:30), Admission \-children 525¢ adult members .40¢3; adult non-members .50¢, Films will be shown in» the High School audix torium every second Saturday night, at the same time, Please note that these are 16 mm. films, ' i DON'T MISS THIS STORY FROM WALT DISNEY'S WONDERFULE LaND OF MAKE@BELIEVE, | TERRACE BAY. NEWS = April 28, 1960 NORTH SHORE HOCKEY MEETING HELD IN, NIPIGON At the North Shore Hockey League: Annual meeting, held in the Nipigon Inn on Sunday, April e4th, the following-officers-were elected:- President - By, Abbott of Red Rock; Vice-President +S, Harrison 'of Marathon} Treasurer = Win, Louk - of Terrace Bay, ou ©! PLAYOFF STATISTICS ©: Average Paid Rebetidaribe nm 645" (20 genet) . " 'Mar,-729 (8° games " " " -T,Bay 625 ( 6 games) " u " 'R Rock 498 ( 3 games) 2 = "Nip. 611 ( 3 games) March 3rd = Best paid atten, Finals = Terrace Bay, .. March Lowest Paid atten, Semi-Finals ~ tenes Bay, ~ Feb, 25th --- 376 . LowestPaid dtten,Finals - Terrace Bay, March 8th - 628 il 1959-60 Total paid attendance for . season and finals - 35,808 (24 game schedule) 1958-59 Total paid attendance for season and finals - 40,951 (30 game schedule) 1957-58 'Total paid attendance for season arid finals = 44, 584 - 5O game schedule, ' ; Best paid atten, Semi-Finals - Bee JUNIOR ART COURSE Sessions will be held on Monday and Tues- day instead of Monday and Wednesday as pre- viously announced, - L&DIES AUXILIARY TO HOLD MEETING : The monthly mecting of the Ladies Auxil- | iary of the Community Church' will be held on Monday, May 2nd at 8:15 P.M, The May pro- gram Will dwell on Aid for Peace and the new life of those caning to Canada, Mrs. Brooks requests members to bring any handi- craft from other countries' for a handicraft display. Special guests of the evening will be the Ladies Chorus. The afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxil- iary will meet on Monday at 1:45 in the ™ Community Church Hall, Members are reminded of the layette to be made during the meeting. CAUTION URGED IN USE OF MINNOWS 4S BAIT' With the approach of the fishing season, extreme caution should be used by anglers in the use of minnows for bait. So warns ~ the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, which points out that. certain kinds of fish which may be used for bait may have a ser=- ious or even dangerous effect on the game fish should they -be- introduced from the baitepail to fishing waters. It is illegal to use live alewives, carp, dogfish, gar-pike, goldfish, perch, rock bass, sunfish or smelt as bait, Lampreys or their larvae may not be used anywhere, although live alewives or perch may be used in the Great Lakes, "Live minnows or baitefish must never be liberated except in waters from which they, were taken," the regulation states. » Many, excellent trout waters have been spoiled by the introduction of perchg it is); believed that carp have resulted from the introduc= tion of goldfish--which 'are a Spe tten of | carp--into many waters, © If minnows. are used, -however, they keep. best if they have ndieratians page 9)