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Terrace Bay News, 11 Feb 1960, p. 7

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a "February 11, 1950 : TERRACE BAY NEWS Page 7 Monday, 7.30 P.M. - Shift 3 at Day (B) 4 pts.| when Mrs.A.Rowley, W.M. and Mr.A.Sinkin:s, W.P. presided, FALCON TROOP (@ont'd from Page 3) donation to the Church Home for Girls in Man- Kelly was placed in his Patrol (The Panth- | itoba. ers) and, with a smart right turn, quick Mrs.Helen Brooks, Programme Convenor, out- march, the Ceremony was over and Kelly Phill- lined her theme for the coming year "Pathways ips was in Scouts. to Peace" and a delightful duet was sung by . -----. . | Mrs,Ruth Siirriff dad Mrsmteié Berndtsae, TERRACE BAY FIGURE SKATING CLUB Concluding the evening with a social-hour, : Mesdames Audrey Smith and Marion Ward and Figure skating dues are now due for the their committee served a dainty luncheon, | second half of this season and can be paid at the Recreation Centre lobby on February The Afternoon Branch of the Ladies Auxil- 13th from 2:30 te 4:00 P.M, lary met Monday in the Church Hall and report-| Payment will also be accepted by any one ed a good collection of nylons and cards made of the Figure Skating Club executive, for Missions, | DON'T FORGET THE FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL Mrs.Dorelle Wade and her committee from | FEBRUARY 26th and 27th. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S the Afternoon Branch will conduct the World -- _ NEWS, ...| Day of Prayer Service at 2 o'clock on Friday, March 4th and the ladies were urged to attend WOMEN OF THE MOOSE BINGO and bring their friends, j Another home bingo was started February | 8th by the Women of the Moose with proceeds "TERRACE BAY RESIDENT DIES | to go to Charity. This Bingo is $100 for a Mrs.Tyyne Lofquist passed away on February | full house. Numbers to call in Schreiber 5th in the Terrace Bay Private Hospital follow, , are 321, 397 and 288, Terrace Bay numbers ing a lengthy illness, 3670, 3646, 3566 and 3658, Please do not Aged 74, Mrs.Lofquist was born in Tasko, phone the stores. No numbers will be drawn Tampere, Finland, Coming to Port Arthur in | on Mondays - six on Saturday instead. February 1909 she married Maurice G,Lofquist ---- = ..| the following month, They resided in Port | BROOMBALL Arthur where Mrs,Lofquist worked as.a Masseur : Standings (including Monday, February 8th and Physiotherapist. Pl. Weed." Eel. Aso Pts, A resident of Port Arthur and Nipigon | Shift 2 7? £1 Yea I 13 * | until 1953 Mrs.Lofquist moved to Terrace Bay ; Day (B) 2 0 O° 3am Sse to live with her daughter Mrs. F.Whitfield, | Shift 1 7 =e -4* 1 ee iG She was predeceased by her husband in 1933, Shift-4 4 Se.) 2.528 4 Surviving are three children: Edgar, of | Shift 3 3 ee Dies 4 Ce Port Arthur and two daughters, Mildred, Mrs, Day A 4 1 3 0 8 20 4% | H,Uleh, Searchmont, Ontario and Thelma, Mrs. ' Army 3 .--s--). 3 oe 6 F Whitfield of Terrace Bay and ten grand- | * 4 included children. .A brother Kalle Paavola lives in : Finland, | Scoring Statistics Funeral services were conducted Monday at G A Pts 2 o'clock in the Immanuel Lutheran Church in ;} B. Kurylo il Z is Nipigon by Rev.F.A.Manula. Interment was in | J.Papousek - 9 AL Nipigon Cemetery. L, Edmunds 6 3 9 a V. Timpano 4 = S SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER HONOURS MRS. 'SoS HICKS , DDGM: B, Hanley 3 5 8 On Monday, February 8th, Mrs. Jean Hicks | A.McMillan 4 3 7 of. Fort William, District Deputy Grand Matron | J,Desaulniers 2 5 7 of: the Order of the Eastern Star, paid her | official visit to Silver Birch Chapter #264, Future Games In her honour a luncheon was arranged at | the home of Mrs, H.N.Marsh and a dinner was | Wednesday, 9 P.M, - Shift 3 at Army. served in the Moose Hall at 5.30, Thursday, 8 P.M, - Shift 1 at Day (A) . In the evening the regular meeting of the | " 9.30 P.M.- Day (B) at Shift.4 Chapter was held in the Community Church Hall 1 COMMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY ANNOUNCE PROJECTS At the conclusion of regular business of 'On } Monday evening, February lst, the Ladies| the chapter, members had the pleasure of Auxiliary met in the Terrace Bay Community hearing Mrs.Hicks address them, A memento | Church with Mrs.Virginia Galvin presiding of the occasion was presented to the gracious | over the regular monthly meeting. Mrs.Joan guest by Mrs. T. Young on behalf of the | Roberts accompanied the opening hymn and ., Chapter, Lunch was served by the committee | Scripture and Prayer were read by Mrs.Irene --| in charge and a social hour followed, Goodfellow, The President welcomed the large attendance! TRAFFIC. ACCIDENTS UP of members and friends and, in the absence of Despite the demerit system, heightened | the Secretary, Mrs. Goodfellow read the min- police enforement, cross-walks and safety utes of the last meeting and correspondence programmes, Ontario's traffic accidents in- received, Mrs.Helen West presented the creased in-the first eleven months of 1959, Treasurer's reports and all conveners read reports the Department of Transport. ; their monthly reports. Two main factors explain the increase; a Mrs,Galvin read the list of projects the new accident statistics branch is recording Auxiliary will sponsor this coming year, the hitherto unreported cases and during 1959 first of which will be the Spring Fashion Ontario Drivers drove a billion miles more Show and Luncheon on March 19th at 1 o'clock in addition to 110,256 vehicles being added ; in the Church Hall, The members voted their to the province's roads and 93,150 new drivers anne cli gat ig net ge geting» oe Mic geen eget wages i na

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