| i Terrace Bay ! | 1 | | i __teen_years "TERRACE. a ahe & Schreiber --_- "MONKEY" TOURS MILL For the past fow' years 'an inter-mill safety contest has béen' conducted between' the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company at Kapuskasing' and: the 'Kimberly-Clark Terrace Bay Mill, The theme of the contest involved a "Mon- key" which is displayed in the Mill with the highest accident' frequency rate each month, At the end.of thé year the "Monkey" is pre- sented to the Mill with the highest frequency record for the year, For the second year in succession the em- - ployees at the Terrace Bay Mill have won this contest, On January 22nd, Mill Manager K. Shirriff, presented the dinike apctiori from Kapuskasing with the "Monkey" for 1960, .After the pre- sentation the Monkey 'toured the a.) and passed out free peanuts, Visiting Terrace Bay from the. Spruce™ Falls Mill were Gordon Montgomery, Bob Stackhouse, Buzzie 'Melanson and Ed. Kennedy, ' Going to Kapuskasing to assist in the promotion of this contest, will be Ely Sal- esse, Ray Cook, Ken Turner, Forbes Cruik- shank and Vert Thompson, ZONE CHAMPIONS? } ~~Songratulations to P, Wellings,. A. ost S.Duquette and M.Hamilton in winning the Zone Curling Championship. They became champions in four straight wins in a double round robin series with Red Rock and Nipigon over the week-end, : - They now will 'compete in the Northwestern Playdowns in Port Arthur on February 9th and' 10th. This marks the' sixth Terrace Bay' win for P,Wellings and A.Latour, the fourth for S.Duquette and second for M.Hamilton, May - good luck follow you on, A luncheon: was served to the visiting rinks Saturday evening by the Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club. Mrs.M,Slater, Schréiber Northwestern Delegate attended and the local President, 'MHale, presided as hostess, BERT LAUNDY "RETIRES OF KIMBERLY-CLARK ON FEDRUARY '1ST Information has been received "that HC. "Bert" Laundy will retire from' the Kimberly- Clark Corporation on February Ist, 1960, He retires from the position of Personnel Super- intendent at the Niagara roe} "ee Hyacinthe and Winnipeg Mills, -- Bert left Terrace Bay in October 1957, He was the first Personnel Superinténdént here, having joined the Long Lac Pulp and Paper Company in 1946, Bert established many firsts in the community being the first Chairman of the. Improvement ° District--the first:Chairman of the School Poards--the Charter President of the Kiwanis Club and many others, . Bert is equally wil known in Kapuskasing, Ontario; as*he was Personnel Manager for 'the SBEn'S zasis Power & Paper Company for nine- z VOL.3, ~ hold her- to him as :she struggled. in. the agony NO.4 iattlary 2 28, 1960" Their many friends in the North will: wish Bert and his wife, Estelle, many happy years of retirement as a culmination tothe very active contributions made to the communities of Terrace Bay and Kapuskasing. TWO LOCAL RINKS WINNEKS IN MARATHON 'SPIEL A Terrace Bay quartet carried off first place in the first event in Marathon's 10th Annual Bonspiel, With one of the largest entries ever posted in the popular Marathon Spiel, the local curlers were in competition with rinks from Eastern Ontario aa as far West as Winnipeg. Rune Ostling skipped Doug Knight, lead - Don Whitley, '2nd - and Ed.Pineault, 3rd to. victory, 'bringing home a Skil Saber-Saw; the first prize in the first event, Paul Boudreau's Rink of B,.Thorsteinson, V.Levesgue and W.Malcolm also placed 'in the money! bringing homea steam iron each = ~ the third prize in- the second event, ALERT MOTORIST "= ALIVE CHILDREN How many. times have you heard someone in our community say "Tf the children don't quit sleighriding on our street and if motorists don't drive with a little more care, a child in our Town is going- to be killed." A few weeks ago.we read an appeal to all ; parénts to keep their children from playing on the road. IF YOU DON!T -DO-ANYTHING ELSE TO- DAY PLEASE READ FHIS LETTER. i- * Dear Drivers. + ifs A few weeks ago, I.saw a little girl struck by a.car as she tried to cross the street... I saw.a.father race. toward her and of death, I saw.all the plans that had been made for her.dashed.and.I.saw the look of despair that came over his face. I could only offer a prayer that. sucha thing =tgne never happen again. _ Today my daughter, who is six years a started off to school, , Her cocker. spaniel, whose name. is Scoot, watched her leave and whined his belief,in the folly of education, Tonight we talked about school, She told me about the girl with yellow curls, and _ about the boy across the aisle who makes faces; about the teacher who has eyes in the back of her head; about the trees in the school yard and the big girl who does not believe in Santa Claus... : We. talked about a,lot of things--tremen- dously: vital and. unimportant. things. Now, as this is written, she is sound asleep with her doll "Paddy".in her arms, When her doll gets. broken or her finger gets cut or her head gets bumped, I can fix them. But. when: she starts across the: street-- then, Mr, Driver, she.is in your hands. Much as I wish I could, it's not possible for me to be with her all the time. I have to work to pay for her home , her clothes; her education. .... So, Mr.Driver, sheen help (Contta Page 2)