E TERRACE BAY- NEWS \~ = 3 = i Fase ----= - THE TOWNSHIP QF TERRACE BAY | _ The Reeve and Cenacat of the: Township of aire 'Bayi viel : a. oyery resident: of thei Fomsitp a Very Merry: Vewigaeehi ReE 00. ¥ The consideratisn and wvaas tending. shown by the possi af 0 », | this communi ty, during the past year' when changes weré being 'made in the administrative. 'set-up of the Town-have been much "- oo by their. elected: eo A. Based on "the same spirit. of eefparation and cian chad the New Year 1960.can,only.be) one: oO! forward selideretese foy all of us , here in Terrace Bay, apt Tn 4 "Christmas: e New Year. v On behalf of the Counc. a wish" you a Happy and | Prosperous its rye t es a, 'Ferrier, EET OA "Reeve, sagM suds | =a = tims % aS "Perry io | TEACHERS\ 70: 'DIN: FAMILIES FOR CHRISTMAS 'Teachers "from the St,Martin!s Separate Schodl witY leave Tuesday for their homes and families' Miss Aviret McLellan will visit her Mother, Mrs. /D,A,McLellan in Geraldton,' Miss*Ruth Pri'ske goes to Bourla~ maque, Quebeeto visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs, N.Priske, Miss Doreén Brady goes to' spend Christmas in'Ottawa with her Mother, Mrs, Wr Brady and later: with relatives in" Brockvillé 'and*Miss Marilyn Gentilé will holiday in*North Bay with her parents, Mr. and Mrsj!D{j after Christmas. From thé' Public! Schoot Miss Ellen Ceasar: goes*té°holidav in Owen Sound with her par- ents ;"Miss. Mary Baker left for Timmins for" AND ----| from ~ CHARLOTTE Iecevied b tant bop sab idind epee icset cident ds canst estoale tt a) : - WERNER aun & BARBER SHOP - HOTEL TERRACE | Gentile. before | 'moving to Toromte: , TO ALL OUR FRIENDS' | HERB HERE ir 189 SUPERIOR 'S: euiter: Bowhalir' RU 5 Rules have been completed' as® to. the quali- u fications, ° et cetera, which have' to be mét in order to 'be chosen as 'Queen of the Terrace Bay 'Superiors. Each team in' the NiS.H.L; will have a*'Queen. She must be Sixteen by the 31st of* December, 1959 and not over ' twenty-one ,by December 31st, 1959.°.She must clso be a "Miss", have Personality, Appeara ncé 'and a good 'knowledge of hockey~- "1 espécially*her own téams* ~ -"From-the-reigning Queen of 'Mar dhioly, i Terface Bay; Nipigon and Red 'Rock Will be ° 'T chosen "THE *QUFEN" to represent the N.S.HsL. "The 'executive are forming plans as to * how a Queen*will be chosén "in Terrace Bay. They 'hepé to contact the High Schodl, Teen her parental home" and Miss Alvera Wood will Town.*and Service Clubs in 'both Terrace Bay visit her Mothér if Fort Frances. Miss Rose and" Schreiber and have' them recommend girls Leschuk will spend Christmas at home 'with 'they would hike to s¢é reign As Queen: her family fn*Aorkett 'and Mr. and Mrs. 5.L A "Superior" Queen must 'reside within' ' Braridon = holiday in "Gayticld and d-Léndons | the Pint ss .Of~-Rossport in the' West: to Jack- "fish 'in the 'East. FP Dennis! Seer aebivea hom last Saturday oa ees Ae BEHIND OUR bl AND: MAKE HER 'from Pickering' Coltege » 'in Newmarket = Se QUETIN "spefid Christe2s with -his parents, Mr."and- a Mrs. R. Scowen, " The' Scowens also have as, KIMB ERE 'CLARK K ORISTMAS PARTY their guest over Christmas, Miss Sharon ._ T"The-; annual Ki Kimberly-Clark Christmas, Piety Hill of Neva Mets! OE 'children, held on Saturday of last wet Bs ~"l-again met with great success. Sincerest * HOLIDAY GaRBage couLECTION DATES SET [thanks 'go td the ladies and teenagers. who : | Contribyted 'the time and effort necessary" The Powlsies Clee a i ck--up will be made"*} to make the party so successful, "Thanks" too [oon Saturday, Besember 26th and on Thurslay, 'ft to our gontiemen helpers," | Dec, "24th 7 instead of Deceuber 25th and' oo st. Lg avg fect day. Some of thé dlder® {Cont'd Page, 7) a = eee oti "HOLIDAY caste PaO Sv ate 'One small problem marred an' Stheewa ger per- = THURSDAY; DEC. 24TH - | Open 9 AeMs to SP me FRIDAY, " 'DECS25th - Closed all day. SATURDAY, DEC,26TH - Open at 12 Noon,