2 "December 24th, 1959, _ _~S__TERRACE BAY NEWS | Se. ee | THURSDAY, DECEMBEX 31ST. CARARET STYLE 20 P.M. - 2 A.M, . NEW YEAR'S BALL [3™ --ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE BALL | | | | La MARK RABIDE AU ge - ssn ee as : and, the. , Polka Kungs tea ao HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM DRESS OPTIONAL ° ") $4,00 PER COUPEE. NOVELTIES - HATS - NOISE MAKERS ETC. FOX TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS CONTACT ~-- eae H. SOLLY - MRS. F. CRUIKSHANK MRS. JIM MACDONALD - MRS. LEN CROCKFORD neem eee oo Aaa a one omer ern a i eee ee CHILURGN aT blue? | FORGOTTEN Chitio Tas (Conb'd From Pege 9) The Town Council is.concerned about chile | Caristias mcssage does not change, Forget- drcn in Terrace Say playing on the streets ful as we may have ocen at times about that with sleighs, toboggans, ctc. #& serious | nessage; and dilatory as we may have been accident may result if Shatar ren do not learn | in spreading it, this' troubled old. world to play elsewhere than on the strevts, the | would have boen.2lot worse without it, Ib Will sot better because of it, ane wilh vist note of hope we wish a | blest Christies to all, ae pleé's\us. | } | | strects are slippery most ot the winter and | a moblorist has very little chance to avoid @ collision with a child derting out on the road on & sleigh. Parents are asked to keep their children from playing on the road in order to. pre- vent accidents, we understand tlie Police Leportment will discourage! children from being on the road playing, it's cll make jes a penta effort; in thi 8 regard iu, insure a aie Christmas: "holiday ior allb-our-child- The best Christmas is as safe Christmas, among ell the presents, your presence is most welcone, always look into the future--that!s where you are eee to ees the ad of roe, ee ee ne eee ee