~ Meise ie MCC Terrace "TOWN TOPICS - (Cont'd from Page 8) j travelled to Winnipeg. Mr.Ray Kenney atten- ded the 0,£,A. in Toronto before visiting relatives in Kingston and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T,V,Kenney in Elgin, Mrs, and Mrs, W.Miller, Katharine Ann and Margaret travelled to Elmira, Ontario, to visit Mr.Miller's parents, Mr.& Mrs. Ge, Miller thenon to Montreal for a visit with Mrs.Miller& parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.Mailloux, during the Easter vacation. Gilles and Roger LeBlanc were home with their parents, Mr.& Mrs. AyLeBlanc for the Easter vacation, Gilles return Monday to Campion College, Regina, Sask, and Roger is back to Ft.William to attend Selkirk High. Jim Erickson was home with his parents Mr.& Mrs, S,Erickson from the Lakehead Coll- ege, Connie Barker left Saturday for.North Bay where she attends Chippewa School, Connie is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. C,Barker. | Joan Lundberg returned to. Selkirk High | School, Ft,William, after vacationing with | her parents, Mr, and Mrs.Sax Lundberg, Diane Beddard returned Sunday to Port arthur where she attends the Collegiate, Donna Lohr, who is in training at the Pt, | Arthur General Hospital was home with her parents, Mr,& Mrs,B.Lohr for Easter weekend, Doris Mousseau, a nurse in training at St. | Joseph's Hospital, Pt.Arthur, was home for i | Pa i { ott | SYLVANIE 21" TV CONSOLE ' Walnut finish Ag59 | Reg.Price $349.95 | SALE PRICE - $324.95 ELECTROHOME 21" TV CONSOLE Walnut Finish f° O58: Rég.Price - $349.50 SALE PRICE - $300.00 HaLLI CaF T oR PORTABLE ST ano PHONOGRAFH WITH MATCHING. SF BAKER THESE ITEMS, CAN BE FINANCED - UP TO 24 Reg.Price - $149.95 MONTHS TO FAY. NEW JUST RECEIVED: BRITISH BULLT "CHAMPION" SALE PRIC#.. $124.95 RECORD PLAYER WITH BUILT IN RADIO BOTH 5a | LONG AND SHORT WAVE - Bay News _ ll time tosee playoff hockeyll TVsets - PRICED 0 SELLA! ~ eee Easter Day with her parents, Mr.& Mrs, Jos, Mousseau, WOMEN OF THE MOOSE - Cont'd from Pg. 7 B, O'Neil, Chaplain E, Partington, Cent. B, Sweet, Argus B, Smart, Homemaking, Elsie Berndtssen, Publicity, V. Galvin, Membership, N. Marquis & Escort, A. Didura: Escorted by Guides, L. Mercure & M, Duriez, the new mem- | bers were: Mrs. B. MacFadyen, Mrs. J. Calder, | & Mrs. M. Crawford. Sr. Reg. M. Mantey called on Elsie Rerndt-~. sson who introduced her committee Rarbara Haughn and Elizabeth Burns and explained her evening's program. At the closing of the ritual ceremony a game of dressing two dolls | was played with Mrs. Smart leader of her I. group, winning. A contest "Name The Doll" was | won by N. Coates for the name !Faith?, A delightful luncheon served by Elsie Berndtsson and her committee concluded the evening's program. The next meeting of the Women of the Moose! will be held on Wednesday, April 15th at 8.00 | P.M., in the Moose Hall. i { } { M. Gross, Grad. Reg. N, Coates, Jr. Regent | | ------ The Annual meeting of the Catholic Women's. League will be held on Sunday, April 12th at ! 8.00 P.M,, in St, Martin's Hall. Election of officers will be held, Members are requested | to atteud. This is also Communion Sunday for the League, Once more Ab Farrow has come out first with his flowers. On April 6th his first snow-' drop appeared amid-a considerable amount of snow still in his garden, wre sie ape ees seniindnsiei Eells naniel al Limed Oak Finish Reg.Price --- $409.95 | DUMONT. 21" TV ADMIRAL 21" CONSOLE Walnut Finish 1959 CONSOLE TV | 1959 with Hi Fi-Pack = | t Reg.Price - $379.50 SALE PRICE $354.50 ADMIRAL COMBINATION SALE PRICE - $369.95 _ CROSLEY 21" Ty - 21" TV ~ RECORD FLAY ER and RADIO Walnut Finish Table Model Limed Oak Finish New Picture Tube SALE PRICE - $325.00 SALE PRICE - $165.00: ADMIRAL 17" TV TABLE MODEL - on SWIVEL STAND Metal Cabinet ONE ONLY KORTING 9=Tube TABLE | MODEL RADIO ! Hand-rubbed walnut _ finish | SALE PRICE - $75.0 Reg,Frice - $259.50 | SALE- PRICE - $165.50 Gane: 3 "y B ~ 705.3305 RADIO PHONE