| | a OOO A Ue wo ET Oe sts ; ; ' 4 LLL Sosa seen ST.tARTIN'S CHURCH - Dean E,A, Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in . the evening, SUNDAY - tiasses 8.15 and 9.30 A.t, Evening Devotions - 7.30 P,, | TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES "ass during the week 8,00 A.m, and on Saturday at 8.30 A.m, ROSSPORT +4ASS ~ 11.30 A,™, COrm=UNITY CHURCH - Dr. A. Lavender 9.30 A,", - Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.", = Beginners! Sunday School 2.00 P.™, - Junior Sunday School 11.00 A,™, - mORNING WORSHIP . "A question Mark, A Candle and an Arrow" 7.30 P,m™, - EVENING SERVICE 8.30 P."1, = arch Meeting of the Church Board CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE HOLD PENNY AUCTION The general meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held Sunday evening, March 8th in St.tiartin's Church Hall. Very Rev, E. A, Gallagher, V.F. read the League prayer. urs, F.A,Helmink presided. 34 The ™inutes of the last "eeting were read and approved and various convenors of stand- ing co™™ittees gave their reports, The elec- tion co™™ittee was selected as follows:- Mrs,J.Todd, "rs, W.J.Cavanaugh, "rs, D,Whalen. Election of officers will take place at the annual Meeting on April 12th, Unpaid me™bers cannot vote or be no™inated, Mrs, F.Cruickshanks reported on the Valen- ting Supper and thanked all those who helped. Bazaar Convenors "rs, R.Kenney and rs, L, Legault reported on the progress of a Fall Bazaar which will take place on October 10th, Dean Gallagher talked on an Apostolate of good exatiple, leaving the ladies ruch food for thought and possible improve™ent in their own lives, The ™eeting closed with a prayer. Mrs, D.Whalen and "rs. J.Kennedy then pro- ceeded with the Penny. Sale with Many receiv- ing lovely gifts, Lunch was served by Mrs, W.J.Cavanaugh and her comittee, Mrs, J, Ruzyski was the winner of the door prize, NURSES GROUP TO PRESENT ENTAL HEALTH SPEAKER _ The Nurses of the North Shore Nurses Group are very pleased to be able to present to the people of Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport, "arathon and the surrounding district a Speaker on ental Health from the Lakehead on Tuesday, March 3lst at 8:15 P., in the High School Auditorium, Terrace Bay. During the past few ™onths a great deal has been seen and heard on T.V, and radio Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R, Inshaw 8.30 A.M, - Holy Communion " 11,00 A.M, - Choral Eucharist 7,00 P.M, - Evensong 9.30 A,u, - CHURCH SCHOOL UNITED CHURCH - Rev. Russell Crook 11,00 A.™,.. - "orning Worship 7,00 P,4, - Evening Service 10,00 A.™, - SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLY ANGELS CHURCH ~ Fr. Geo. Epoch, S.J. 8,00 A,™, - Mass 8,30. A,4, = Children's mass 10,45 A,4, - High tass for adults only 7,39 P,%, - Evening Devotions Saturday confessions 11.00 A,™, and at 3,00 and 7.30 P.™, SCHREIBER GOSPEL "ISSION Service on Wednesday at 8.00°P,m, Sunday morning at 11,00 A.M, Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at 7 P.M, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS hold their Sunday School each Sunday morning at 10.30 A.M, in the home of the © Y.M.C.A. Secretary. tion, but actually few people know the great amount of good done by this organization with in our own district of Thunder Bay. This will be explained to us by one of the execu-- tive of the Association and a film will be shown, It will not be a scientific discuss- ion but one which is interesting to laymen, The Nurses Group hope that the-people of Terrace Bay and surrounding district will take advantage of this occasion to acquaint -- themselves with the facts of "ental Health and tke work of the Association, Everyone is welcome, ' WOMEN OF THE "00SE HOLD REGULAR "EETING The Chapter Night meeting of the Women of the Moose was held on'Wednesday, March 4th in the Terrace Bay "oose Hall. Senior Regent "turiel Hantey chaired the meeting, A good attendance was credited to the exceptionally | fine weather, -- Mrs,yra Smilsky was in charge of the lunch in the absence of Mrs.Mailette and was assisted by her committee, Mrs, Kay Furyk of Schreiber won the draw, ike next Meeting will be held on Wednesday March i8th at 8 o'clock in the Moose Hall, _ There is initiation coming up next ™onth and me™bors are urged to attend for the practice. pS Irene Stuart had a party Saturday after- noon with five invited guests to celebrate her twelfth birthday, Ga™es and records were enjoyed before the party luncheon, Mrs, Pelto entertained Saturday afternoon for. her daughter Sarah's eighth birthday. Twelve girl friends joined the fun of gates and party lunch and the hostess was assisted by Peggy Newell, : about supporting the Mental Health Associa- ' eH