December 18, 1958, TERRACE BAY FIRE PREVENTION, To avoid a Christmas catastrophe, here are a few simple suggestions: Keep . the tree outside until a few days before _ Christmas, When you bring it in, keep % moist. by cutting the trunk on a \ diagcnal and placing the base in a water pail, Never use lighted candles. Check the electric wiring for worn spots and loose connections, Dontt overload the Circuits, Be sure none of the electric 'bulbs touch © a branch, 'Turn off the tree lights when you leave the house, or go to bed, Remove accumulations of gift wrapp- ings from around the tree, Use only fireproof decorations, never c@&ton, or paper. And finally, get rid of the tree by New Year's Day. A Christmas tree not only burns easily--it burns fast, 'TERRACE BAY FIRE DEPARTMENT, TOWN TOPICS-~continued from page 2, Mrs Ethyle Boyd entertained on Sat- urday for her daughter, Valerie, who was celebrating her fifth birthday, Nine- teen children arrived for an afternoon of games conductéd by sister Deborah, Sheleigh Naylor, and Molly Harris, After the party luncheon left for home with their treats, © F -. Grandma.Ostling and Mother, Mrs Darlene Pasteur entertained Saturday afternoon for Terry Lynn'who was eight. and Karen -who was ten on December llth, Each girl invited four guests and departed for the movie ,before a few gamed and spaghetti supper and their basket of treats to take home, ; Mr. and Mrs, Ted Young returned home a week ago from their week's visit. to Sault Ste, 'Marie with Mrs, Young's Mother, Mrs, S. 'Bell and relatives. cas Mrs. Russell Cheshire of St. Catherines is. spending some time visiting at the home of her brother, Francis Gaulin and family. Prior to returning home she will visit Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Gaulin of Red Rock, Ont, : LEN NOONAN FETED BY KNIGHTS, On Thursday evening, December llth., following it's regular business meeting in St, Martints. _ Church, Terrace Bay, St. Edward!s Council of the Knights of Columbus, honoured Len Noonan of Schreiber, Mr, Noonan is retiring this month from the OePs R. and will take up residence in Port Arthur, District Deputy P.J. Syvitski delivered the farewell address and presented Mr,' Noonan with a set of Briar Pipes on oehalf of St, Edward's. Mr, Noonan has een a member in good standing of the : nights of Columbus since 1913, He join- din Regina, He was a charter member St. Edward's Council, ; eR tenner y ko" er TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHRETBER FIRE PREVENTION, With all other fire fighters, Sebreibor's Brigade is anxious over the coming festive season, hopeful that no tragedy will mar. the joy of Christmas for their families or others, Chief Geoff, Birch issues his ° caution in' the following poem culled from the Municipal World. . : Page 5 "Twas the night before Christmas, When all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, When down the chimney, all covered with soot, Came the Spirit of Fire, an ugly galoot, His eyes glowed like embers, his features were stern,- As he looked around for something to burn, What he saw made him grumble, his anger grew higher, For there wasn't a thing to start a good fire, No door had been blocked by a Christmas tree, It stood in the corner leaving the passage-~ way free, : The lights that glowed brightly for Betty and Tim . Had been hung with precaution so none touGhed a limb, ~All the wiring was new, not a break could be seen, I . And wet sand at its base kept the tree fresh | and green, The tree had been trimmed by a mother insistent ' That the ornaments must all be fire resistant, And the Mother had known the things to avoid. Like "cotton and paper, and plain celluloid, Rock wool metal icicles and trinkets of glass Gave life to the tree; it really had class, And would you believe it, right next to the tree ; Was a suitable box for holding debris, A place to throw wrappings and paper and string From all of the gifts that Santa might bring, The ugly galoot was so mad he could bust »As he climbed up the chimney in utter disgust | For the folks in this house had paid close attention -- To all of the rules of good Fire Prevention, SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS-~continued from' Page 2, 'Mrs. T.Whent, Mrs, Ridsdale, and Mrs, Hiller, , Mrs, W.J. Scott, Mrs, Ridsdale, and Mrs Hiller _ were named as January hostesses, Because of the season the January meeting will be held on the seventh, Following the meeting, lunch - _was served by Mesdames Linkwich, Livingston, and Richardson, ~- _ A bridal tea will be givem in 'honour of Miss-Dixie Wainikka on 'Tuesday, December 16th. from 8--10 in the home of Mrs, W, Gerow, é THE C.P. and T, DANCE CANCELIED, | The C,.P. and T, committee has cancelied their New Year Dance, wsntinitarlsisaitosisastivosilgs The community was deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the untimely passing of. little Jami¢ Milks, Déepest sympathy is expressed to the family,