Page 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS TERRACE BAY CHURCH NEWS COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev.,Arthur Lav onder, Dds 9,30 A.M. Senior Sunday School This will be WHITE GIFT SUNDAY in ali three branches of the Sunday School, The morning service will be shortened some- what to allow the congregation to attend the Christmas programme of the little tots, The afternoon Sunday School programme will. be at three o'clock when the Junior School will present their gifts, _ The Senigr:Sunday School will be in charge of the evening service at seven o'clock, <At.. ' this service a film strip with recording will -be shown - "WHEN THE LITTLEST CAMEL KNELT", White gifts will be received and awards present- ed, The Christmas létter sent out to the congregation omitted to state that there would be a service on Christmas morning at 1] A,M, This service will be held as usual, The Church Board will hold its December meeting in the Church basement on any evening, December 14th. ie: ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH: - Rev, E, A, Gallagher Saturday, December 13th Confessions 3-4 P.M. | and 7-8 in the evening, Sunday, December 14th - Masses-8,15 and 9,30 A.M, Mass during the week 8, 00 A.M, and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M. _ Devotions - Sunday afternoon at 4,00 P.M, setbftiecennalae ae to be followed by Benediction, The new slate of officers to. form the 1959 . executive of Local 665, International Brother- hood Pulp, Sulphite & Paper Mill Workers, Terrace Bay are: Pres, Peter Romaniuk; Vice-Pres, Allen Valiquette; Recording Secretary Reg.. Cotton; Financial Secretary James Duncan; Treas, Joseph | Marcella; Inside Guard Michael Strocen; Outside Guard Joe. De jonghe, ATTENTION ALL LADIES OF THE COMMUNITY CHURCH - You will each be contacted in the following week about changes in our Ladies Auxiliary, These questions will be asked (1) Are you interested in being an active member of the Auxiliary? (2) Would you like to have two groups, an afternoon and evening group? (3) To which 'group would you. like to belong? ' CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE - The monthly meeting of the C.W.Le was held Sunday, December 7th, at 8 P.M, in St, Martin's Church Hall, Very Rev, E.A,. Gallagher V.F, opened with the League prayer, Mrs. F,A. Helmink presided over the meeting with about forty members present, A Spring Supper will be held March 17th with Mrs, F, Cruickshank & Mrs, J, Marcella convening, A newly organized Catholic Girls! Youth Club is being sponsored by the C.W,.L. under the leader- ship of Miss Brady. At the close of the evering a film was shown and lunch was served, ' PR ee A i es a December llth, 1958, SCHREIBER CHURCH NEWS ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH-Rev, R, Inshaw Holy Communion at 8.30 A.M, and again at 11,00 A.M; Sunday Sctiool ~ 10.00 A,M, Evensong Service - 7,00 P,M, UNITED CHURCH ~ Rev.Russell Crook,D,A, Morning Worship - 11,00 A.M, Evening Service - 7.00 P.M, Sunday School - 10,00 A.M, HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. Fr,LaFournier 8,00 A.if, -- Mass 9,30 A.M, = Children's Mass 10.45 A,M, - High Mass for adults only 7,30 P.M, - Evening Devotions Saturday Confessions - 11,00 AM, & 7,30P,} SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Service on Wednesday at 8,00 P oM, Sunday morning at 11 A.M. Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at 7P.M. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS hold their Sunday School each Sun- day morning at 10.30 A.M, in the home of the Y,M,C.A, secretary. SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS CHRISTMAS _ BAZAAR -OF THE UNITED CHURCH WoAre - Mrs, WT. Wallace was the convenor and Mrs, Fragi Fummerton & Mrs, R,A, Crook receivéd, The small tables were served by Mesdames J, Gray, V. Weaver, R, Macadam, D, Nesbitt, H, Livingston & G, Gawley. Replenishing -- Mrs, R.H, Skinner, G, Gordon, J, Hagen & also J, Phillips, The Sewing Booth was in charge of Mrs, R, Bailey, Mrs. F. Richardson & J, Rattray & Mrs, 0, Niemi, Baking - Mrs, N, Linkewich, Mrs,F.W. Hiller. Jewelry - Mrs, R. Weaver. Candy - Mrs, W,J. Scott & Mrs. Nelson Smith. Xmas Tree - Mrs, H,. Weaver, INSTALLATION LADY TRAINMEN - Mrs, Netti Thrower presided at the installation of the new officers ~- Past Pres, Mrs, Kitty Whitton; Pres, Mrs. Hazel Bailey; Vice Pres, Mrs, Etha Miller; Sec'ty, Mrs, Thrower; Treas, Mrs. Florence Bourguignon; Conductoress. - Mrs, Freda Duggan; Warden - Mrs, Margaret Svillane; I.G, - Mrs,Eleanor O'Connor; 0,G.-irs, Louise Corbett. Mrs, V. Winters wiil be installed as Chaplain' later, Mrs, Whitton was presented with a gold ring by Mrs, Thrower, The members were reminded that the : January meeting will. be held 'on' the 8th at 7,30 with the Xmas Party. & ee of gifts & sample of Xmas cake, It was decided to send gifts to the. sick members, Mr, Ram Rao of the Schréiber High School staff was guest speaker at the recent Kinsmen regular dinner meeting,