i a October 23, 1958 _G@errace Bay News Y Page 9 ELECTION - Cont'd from Page 1 office, School Boards et cetera, whom will be elected by the people of the Town, In order to qualify for any of the above offices, = requirements KIWANIS HALOWE'EN PARTY must be met: ~The annual Hallowe'en party sponsored by the 1, The person must be on the voter's list Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay for the children of and the Community will be held Friday, Oct.3ist 2. Must be an assessed ae res (House- at 7.30 P.M, Following the pattern of last holder: A person who occupies and is year, the party is actually scheduled as three assessed as owner or tenant of a dwell- separate parties of age groups---- 8 yrs., ing or apartment house or part of a 9-13 years and 13 onwards. dwelling or apartment house separately The first age group - up to eight years - occupied as a dwelling). _ is due to assemble in the High School Auditor- 3. Be a British Subject. ium at 7,30 P.M, Wherever possible children 4, Be 21 years of age. should be accompanied by either or both parents 5. Must not be disqualified under this or who will enjoy watching their offspring and any other act. also ensure maximum co-operation and the con- Item 5 on disqualification deals mainly sequent winding up of events before the kids with people who have judicial jobs, who are become tired. in arrears for taxes, or have run afoul of Age group nine to thirteen will meet at the law in one way or another, Before a 5.30 P.M. in the Recreation Centre meeting person's nomination is accepted by the Sec- room from where they will be taken to the retary-Treasurer, he will question the Theatre where a suitable movie will be shown person involved at some length to make at 6 P.M, (These times to be confirmed). sure that they do not laterbecome unseated Finally, at approximately 9.30 P.M, the because they were disqualified to begin High School Auditorium will again be the centre with, of activity when a "Teen-Town dance will be PERSONS QUALIFIED TO VOTE held. It is hoped that this group will attend The qualifications necessary for persons in larger numbers than last year, If not this to have their names on the Voter's list are part of 'the Hallowe'en festivities will be dis- almost identical to the requirements to continued and the time-and money devoted there- stand for council, namely: an assessed on transferred to other groups which appreciate householder, or wife or husband of an the interest shown by Kiwanis. assessed householder, a.British subject, As a guide to parents, the following list 21 years of age, and not otherwise dis- of awards will be made to the children at_the qualified. -.... . 'costume party! (which is the party catering to Next week we will deal with the term of -- the kids up to 8 years of age) (Cont'd Pge,1l GROW WITH BUY. CANADA SAVINGS ANSP -BONDS - CANADA SAVINGS BONDS ARE ON SALE NOW 1 4 The 1958 Series bonds carry 15 coupons, The first one provides interest at the annual rate ef 3.1/2%, the remainiig 14 at 4 1/4%. The average interest yield if held to maturity is 4,19% PER YEAR, And, these bonds can be cashed anytime at full face value plus earned interest. j ; BONDS ARE AVAILABLE IN DENOMINATIONS OF- $50, $100, } $500, $1,)00 and $5,000, NR eet CD ES eS Sa, A