a Page 5 - WY Terrace Bay News <, September 25, 1956 WATTS-WHITTON VOWS TAKEN IN ST. JOHN'S NO TROUT IN LAKE SUPERIOR?? years On Wednesday, September 17th, in St. For the last couple of/ore hears the ever- John's Anglican Church, Schreiber, Donna increasing report that the fishing in Lake Beatrice Watts, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Superior gets worse and worse. J.T.Watts of Lancaster, New Brunswick, On looking over a release issued by the became the bride of John Thomas Whitton, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests and son of Mr. and Mrs.T.A.Whitton, Schreiber. received in the "News" office this week, we Rev, R, Inshaw performed the ceremony noted with special interest the comercial and the organist was Miss Lois Inshaw. Fish Take for the first half of 1958. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. George Criderman, chose a white Rayon "In Lake Superior total production was up 28% and Nylon lace waltz length gown which to 552,000 pounds with lake trout landings featured a hooped teired and scalloped increased 77% to 202,000 pounds; and sauger skirt. The strapless decolette was cover= up from 14,000 pounts to 47 ,000 pounds. Small ed by a tiny jacket. Her veil fell from decreases were noted in whitefish and yellow a tiara of sequins and she carried @ pickerel at 129,000 pounds and 95,000 pounds white prayer book adorned with two roses respectively." and flowing streamers. Her bridesmaid, Miss Gail Criderman, Must be the bait we private anglers use!! wore canary yellow nylon eyelet mesh and a sequined leaf on her head to match. ee She carried a boquet of mauve chrysanthe- mums, The flower gir, Cindy Einerson, Just recently the Writer was asked for infor- wore lime green nylon net with a bandeau mation regarding the purchase of a gun license of lily-of-the valley and carried a bas- in Terrace Bay. ket of variegated flowers. The 0.P.P. advise that, at the present time At the reception following the cere- the closest place for purchase of such a mony, held in the home of Mrs. Wesley license is Pays Plat. Miller, Mrs.Criderman received with the It is expected that other arrangements may happy couple wearing Royal Blue with be made shortly. matching accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The Groom!s Mother wore ee ae prown figured nylon with hat and access- It is reported reliably that to date the ories in coppertone and her corsage was partridge hunting is tspotty!. A few more yellow roses. For their honeymoon in leaves dropping may improve things. Winnipeg, the bride chose a navy blue wool suit with matching accessories. They will make their home in Schreiber where the groom is employed with the C.P,R. The Groom was attended by Avery Duncan and the ushers were Arnold O!keefe ,& E Neil Nesvitt. Out of town guests were Mr.& Mks. G, Cryde rman and davcuter Cail, Mr.& Mrs. C, Ritey aud Mr. and Mrs. A.Wood af 'Port Arthur, Mr. & Mrs. W. Colpitt and Mr. & Mrs. Ed.Souci of Fort William, Mrs. J, Bell, White River, Mr. & Mrs. A.Mercer, Terrace Bay ana "rs.E. Pailey and Mrs. E,Matheson of Fort William. a, >, SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIET WITH | ==} Rexall Super | "\ Plenamins | a _ ~sueee |} cANADAt LARGEST SELLING Prem amin ua MULTI-VITAMIN PRODUCT | Each Tablet Contains | | { SF a Ew SO VITAMINS rus | MINERALS Even though you eat three meals a day, you may be tyitomin-starved™ ent yet now be aware of it. Often the vitamin, enc rineral ae content of ood is lacking or destroyed SCHREIDTR LIBRARY BOARD MEET through excessive cooking, ever~storage, or SCUREIDSR LIBRARY Poe the lack of freshness. Fortunately, yo can compensate for my wabritional defi- ciencies by supplemen sng your diet daily with vitamins and minerais. By taking one Super Plenamiins tabics daily you arc cure of the vitamins which your diet may lack, | plus iron, ll Minerals and Liver Concenrate | { The Public Library Board held their regular meeting on Septewber 12th. The accounts of the co-operstive Book centre gad the grunts were checxed. Three more chairs were ordered to complete the pre- sent set. The Bookmobile is expected to be in town on September 25th to exchange the summer reading. TAKE ONE SUPER PLENAMINS TABLET EVERY DAY | | EEE FINANCE,....Always remember that money isn't everything, but also remember not to talk such silly nonsense until you've made a lot of it. YOUR BEST YEAR-ROUND HEALTH MAINTAINING HABIT. 36'5,$2.79. 12'S $0956 1h4's$7.956 28815 $13.95 Waghorn's Pharmacy Ltd. TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO, PHONE- 5-3666 | | | ees | | The best ten years of a woman's life are between 35 and 36. I