June 6th -- 12th. Friday & Saturday - "THE DEEF SIX" - Alan Ladd, - Wm. Bendix (color) Monday & Tuesday - "JOHNNY, TROUBLE" - Ethel aoe - Carolyn Jones' Wednesday & Thurs.- "DEERSLAYER":! -- Les Barker _.7 Rita Moreno > siice ART COURSES PLANNED FOR LAKEHEAD AREA GROUPS Lakehead Area Artists and 'would be! artists are again looking forward: to. the. -' return of John Martin, A.R.C.A; 0.S.4., one of Canada's outstanding painters and designers. 'He plans to instruct at the 7th annual TA summer art course sponsored by the Lakehead Area Art Association in co-operation with the Fort William and Port Arthur Civic Recreation Committees and the Communi ty Programmes Branch, Ones Departaient: of Education. © This will be the third consecutive school - at the Lakehead conducted by Mr.' Martin and as previously he will preside over two. courses. The first to be held in the Twin Cities from June 28th., to July 5th., comprising 5 morning periods and 5 af periods of painting. The second will be live-in' course at the: new Quetico Conference and Training Centre for 4 days from July '7th. to'July' Tith. There will be 4 morning 'and 4 afternoon 'painting sessions and 'two evenings. Motion pictures, lectures, slides-and musical entertainment will be provided during time not devoted to painting. _ Students attending this second course are asked if possible, to arrive at the Quetico Conference and Training Centre Sunday evening, July 6th. The Lakehead Area Art Association are proud to have the distinction of being ternoon (cont'd next col.) Art Courses (cont'd) the first organization to use the facilities at'the Quetico Conference and Training Centre, Mr. Martin intends to do much for senior members this year in regards to 'special 'painting forms and design. For less advanced students he wishes to spend some time on "Materials and special techniques. Mr. Martin was director of design at the Ontario College of Art in. Toronto from 1945 to 1953. He is an associate of the Royal Canadian academy, a member of the Ontario Society of artists and the Canadian Society of Painters in Water-color, He is represented in many import- ant public collections including the National Gallery of Canada, The Vancouver Art Gallery, the London Art Gallery and 7 Portland Art Gallery, A good number of a cos ey aed have been . received for the couses. Registration will be limited to 25 persons for each course to permit adequate individual instruction. The fee payable to the Lakehead Area Art Association is $15.00 for the first course and $20.00 for the course at the Guetico Conference and Training Centre. .4 few registration forms are still available at the Public Library and Parks Board Offices in Fort William and the Civic mecreation Office in Fort arthur. Completed registration forms and fees should be mailed to the Summer Course Secretary , Mrs. Helen Strickland, 226 E. Mary Street, Fort William, Ontario. : habiy HK owe % PIPE BaND NOTICE 411 members are urgently requested to. attend a special meeting on Tuesday, June 10 at 8 p.m., in the small meeting room in the Rec. Centre. Any other interested persons are also 'asked to attend. % % * TENNIS NOTE ae Anyone wishing to purchase their own key may do so. These have been made up for the new lock at the Tennis Courts. ° They are sold at 50¢ each and can be picked up from Gay Roy. Mm 1 tuk, MAPLE SYRUP HAS ARRIVED The Maple Syrup has arrived' and a delivery made, Will those 'who were not homie at that time either phone 3234 or call at house 7G to pick up same by this week-end. we Fe