SS . wy 8 : LD Ny \ FRIDAY & SATURDAY yy 5c ene starring Gene Kelly, Mitzie Gaynor Cine.wscope (color) NORTH SHORE SPELLING BEE (correction) Among the winners of the North Shore Spelling Bee, held Friday, March 7th the name of Crystal Kusik who placed 2nd for Grade 4, was given in error as being a pupil of Schreiber lublic School. Crystal Kusik represented Holy .ingels Separate School, of Schreiber. T-E-L-E-V-I-S-I-O0-N S-A-F-E-T-Y Submitted by the Terrace Bay Fire Department - Source - National -Board of Fire Underwriters. The installation of television receivers should be in accoruauce wac.. wrticle 610 of the National Electrical Code, NBFU No. 70. Any high metal structure is a likely target for lightning, with the possible hazard of lightning damage to electrical equipment connected to it as well as lichtning an? fire damage to any building supporting it. When the television antenna is mounted on a building, there are two possible paths to the ground for a lightning stroke, one down the lead-in wire to the television set and the other down the supporting mast and through the building. The National Elect- rical Code recognizes this and requires a lightning arrester to be installed on the lead-in wire to drain off the charge before entering the building and also requires the (cont'd next col.) 3 MOVIES April 4th, 5th & 7th MONDAY "BATTLE RIVER PLATE* starring John Greeson, (color) There will be no movie Sunday Midnite. slease Note? TV Safety (cont'd) supporting mast to be suitably grounded in order to lead the charge to ground without going through the building. Where lightning rods are used on a building, it is evident that the installation of an antenna would affect the protection afforded by the rods. In such cases the mast should be tied-in to the lightning rod system by a grounding conductor of suitable SLZC. ; In the case of high masts there is also the hazard of improperly supported masts falling during windstorms, with the possibility of contact with any nearby overhead electric power wires or of injuring persons or property. Considerable care should be given to the mechanical stability of the antenna and its Support. Where located on the roofs of buildings, the antenna and supporting guys Should not be located so as to interfere with o,crations 01 tue rire department, During and after their installaticn, television masts and antennas should be kept well separa- ted from all power supply wires. Particular attention to this feature is required with the taller masts and their guy wires. - This TV Safety article will be-cont- inued next week, dealing with "The Picture Tube," ventillating precautions, etc. a ne Friday, April 4th being Good Friday the Credit Union Office will be closed; and ~ be open instead to-night, Thursday, from ila se vr Wy.