JN a 'i 7 Ye, | Nie 4 aN 4 ; hi ' A Wh (uy, wipe } ah \ (i: , Li RECIPE OF THE WEEK - MUSTARD SAUCE - - FO YOUR EASTER HAM -- 1 tsp. prepared mustard Pinch of salt and pepper '1 tsp. lemon juice cup heavy cream 2 COMBINE mustard, salt juice. ADD cream, plain or whipped, and stir well until the sauce is smooth. SERVE a little with each portion of ham, : . (Serves 4.) 4 + . s , » pepper and lemon AROUND THE TowN 2, Mrs. J. austin of Port arthur spent the weekend. in Terrace Bay as a guest of -her daughter, Betty Bouchard and family. Guests at the Tommy Latour home last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kross, Mrs, E. Graham, and Mrs. G, Kapitan, all of Marathon, "Guests at the home of Peggy and Jack 'Wellings last weekend were Mrs. 4, Macurthur, Mrs. J. Cerutti, Mrs. M, Nesbitt and Mrs. B. Holt of Fort Willian. Mrs. Kay Louk brought her son Michael home from St. Joseph's Hospital, Fort arthur, Tuesday, a LIBKAW REVIEW Sarah Hall's Sea God - Theodora du Bois Sarah Hall is a staid widow of a Yale -Pro- _ fessor who makes a most unusual cruise down the Inland Waterway with a handsome stranger purporting' to be a Sea God, Oe «4 crown, a trident, and a giant conch shell, which her grandson Michael finds in the attic must have started this extraordinary adventure; for almost immediately thereafter, Mr Ps O'Seidon appears'in Sarah Hall's life. This ea &Cssa inal y Caulidin. to ve the ancient Greek King of the sea, calks her out of her sedentary middle aged existence into a highly irregular voyage from Connecticut to Florida. In the thirty-eight foot cutter Swift Gaz- 6 .€, "arah Michiel, her niece Jane, and the handsome captain sail happily' southward encountering tempests, piracy, romance, near -- shipwreck and even a glimpse of the fabulous' Golden Fleece. . Library Hours: Monday and Wednesday, afternnons, 2330 to 4:30 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings Teton 9. The Library will not be open Good Friday, _- _ -- - = THANK YOU We wish to take this opportunity to thank ~ all our friends in Terrace Bay who sent flowers, cards, @onations to the Handicap Club, and in many eer ways helped to express their sympatigy during our recent sad bereavement, - Tops & Dave Locking and family. PICTURES QF GiOUPS IN ICE FROLICS OF '58 eateries bac eetiie Te ee Final orders for copies of pictures of groups in Ice Frolics of '58 will be taken up to and including Saturday, april 5th, ihone 3743 to order these.