Fm memes mien eracmey ranma _ ooo Vol. 8, Now 5 BE A BOOSTER FOR ™MINOR HOCKEY WEEK" This is your opportunity to cet out and support Minor Hockey in Terrace Say, not only financially but morally as well, PLEDGE YCUXSELF NOW TO ATTEND THE: MINOK HOCKEY WIGHT Friday, January 3lst, in the Terrace Lay Arena, action begins at 7:00 p.m. and will include the following: A DOOR PRIZE RAFFLE DRAW HOCKEY GAMES: Flyweight "a's, vs. Flyweight "B's (5-7yrs.) Black Hawks vs. bruins (Feewees, 8 - 12 yrs.) Canadiens vs, Maple Leafs (ieewees, 8 -- 12 yrs.) PeeWee £11-Stars (8 - 12) vs. Lantams (12 - 14 yrs.) Midgets (14 - 16 yrs.) vs. Fathers (16 -- 60) DURING THE WEEK Minor Hockey ilayers will be selling tickets for Minor Hockey Night at »50¢ each, -- BUY ONE AND USE IT }] --- Fe ee ieee naan eae TERRACE BAY SECOND IN FIRE FREVENTION WEEK LIST OF WINNEKS The National Fire Frotection assoc- iation winners for 1957 have just been announced, (cont'd on page 2.) ' nuacy oOth, 1958, SUPERIORS DEFEAT MERCUKIES 5 a Terrace Day Superiors anchored by 3 b Weaver in the net anc Jalter viduch on derene threw back a concentrated effort by Marathon Mercuries to come out on top 5 = 3 before the largest crowd this season at the Terrace Bay arena Tuesday night, Mercuries spotted favorites of the North shore League played without the Support of Henderson and Lanteigne but Superiors were also shy such mainstays as besrosiers, Urassard, Simoneau, Calder and Maurice Csmar, and were able to chalk up an edge in the play two of the three periods, biduch cauglkt the Marathon argregate flat footed in the first half minute of play to open the scoring followed nine minutes later by Lang on an assist by Whalen, Mercuries failed in every attempt to shake themselves loose from the close checking Superiors and had a three to zero count against them before they held the spotlight for seven minutes which netted them three quick counters in the second period with Le!slanc, Charyna, and bolan making it lock pretty dark for Suyperiors by bringing the score even, Stachiw cane through at 1£:38 to retire the period with Superiors holding a slim one goal lead, eterminedc to equalize the play in the third Mercuries save ali they had but had the heart taken from them when Whalen's shot boat MeMorland at 11:45, The puiling of their net minder with two minutes to g¢o succeeded only in climaxing an already thrill packed game. Lineup: Mereuries - McMorland, Kapitan, Johnson eS olowski, Charyna, iclanc, solan, Ferguson, Goodman, Cox, omano, Harpell, srady, imadeo. Superiors - Weaver, biduch, Lang, Osmar, Whalen, Sith souchard, ulom, Stachiw, Tookenay, Lindquist, vond, Weaver, Hansen,