L - A Dy 1 E S C 0 L U "M N * RECIPE OF THE WEEK * Marshmallow Refrigerator Pie 24 marshmallows (3 lb.) 4c. milk Melt in topo Fold in: 2 pt. whipped cream (1 c. before Whipping) 3 tsp. vanilla' ; Add fruit, well drained. (Crushed pine- apple and fresh strawberries, or crushed pineapple and maraschino cherries.) f double boiler, then cool. Crust: 10 graham crackers, crushed 2 tbsp. melted butter Mix and press in pan. Reserve a littlelof the crumb mixture for the top. Chill in ~-*~igerator. This 'can be made the day before ; 18 to be served. a ee AROUND THE TOWN NEWS * Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Haviland of Rondeau. Ontario aré spending a couple of weeks with son Chuck Haviland and family. | Dr. M. McSausland is: visiting this week in Bay City, Michigan with his father, Kev, H. McCausland and in Burmingham, Michigan with his brother-in-law and sister, Mrs'.and Mrs, E. S. Kinney, ee a Cae a: Mr. Henry L. Ward of Fort William visited with his daughter Elva McMillan this week, Mrs. Gaulin of Kapuskasing has been visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul sochon. Mr. Gaulin with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Gertin arrived from Kapuskasing last week to accompany Mrs. Gaulin home, cont'd next col.) 'comed were: Around the Town (cont'd) Marcia Hamilton entertained six of her chums at luncheon Saturday to celebrate her eighth birthday before they all left for an afternoon of skating. : Silver Birch Chapter 0.E.S. - The Silver a Birch Chapter No. 254 Order of the Eastern Star. held their regular meeting on Monday, January 13th with W.M. Barbara Haughn and W. P. Harris Haughn officiating. ; Routine business was discussed. . La . Distinguished guests intro- duced and welcomed were Mrs. huth Gorham D.D.G,.» 17, Mrs. Kose Dilley P.D.D.G.M. and Grand Repres entative of the State of Florida in Ontario. Past Matrons and Patrons introduced and wel- Mesdames Isobel Marsh, Christi». Graham, Dorothy Rummery, Alice Farrow, and Margaret Kragero, Albert Farrow and Alex Sinkins 3f Silver Birch Chapter No. 264, Visitors V@lcomed were Mrs. Mona Janes, Mrs, Gladys Pokenski and Mrs. Charlotte Mallory, Lake of the Woods Chapter No. 244 Rainy Kiver, Mrs, annie bailey on behalf of the Chapter presented a gift to D.D.G.M. Mrs. kuth Gorham, _.,, # Social hour and buffet luncheon concluded the evening, being served from a table covered with a lace cloth and colours of the order were the motif with red carnations and white taners in crystal candlelabra. Convener was Mrs. Dorothy summery ard her committee of Mesdames Christine Graham, Dora Weaver, Noreen Coe, Marjorie Lundberg, Catharine Hall and Barbara Haughn, eer eee vie Pee. we Monday afternoon a tea was held at the hone of the Worthy Matron Berbara Haughn and her Nother Mrs, Uva Haughn as hostesses to the officers.and members of the order in honour of tirs. Ruth Gorham 9.9.C.M. and distinguished guests. Tea was served from a table covered with a lace cloth and centred with a vase of red carnations. Pouring for the afternoon were Mrs. Margaret Kragero P.M. and Mrs, Helen Wolla- Mrs. Elsie Ostling replenished and servirg the guests wer. Mesdames Elizabeth Harris, Audrey Kowley and Marjoie Lundberg. an informal dinner at twelve noon was also held at the hone of the Worthy Matron Barbara Haughn in honour of Mrs. uth Gorham D.D.G.M. and her party.