AROUND THE TOwN Cont'd. from page 4 Spotted at the Shriners Circus at the Lakehead last weekend were the Havilands, Ostlings, Crandlemires, Ericksons, Clancys, Cleen Smiths, McCauslands, Bradys, Harris's, Coes, Jessie Ratchford, Elvira Woods and Jan Hall, 0-0-0 THANKYOU To Mary and George Dashkewytch, Drs, McCausland and Rundle, Mrs, Buck and her Nursing Staff, Dr. Lavender, the Ladies Auxuliary and to.all our friends who sent - gifts and good wishes = cur deepest / gratitude, Frances. and Pat Kinrnativa 0-0-0 C.W.L. NEWS The regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held on Sun, April 14th in St. Martin's Church' base- ment, Reports of the Educational,. Social, Press, Spiritual and Membership Convenors. were given,. Mrs, Betty Cavanaugh, Chair- man of the Cancer Campaign stated every- thing in readiness' for the door to.door canvass, It was decided to hold a bake sale on May 4th and will be convened by Mrs, Ray: Kenney, Mrs, Hilda .Valiquette, chairman' of 'the Nominating Committee conducted the election of officers for the coming year? The following were duly elected: President - Mrs, Francis Helmink; First Vice+Pres, Mrs, Ray Kenney; 'Second Vice = Mrs, Art IeBlane; 3rd Vice Mrs, Eldon Marostica; Treasurer - Mrs; Allen Valiguette; Secretary - Miss Cathy Smith;. Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Joe Ruzyski," The new slate of officers°were installed by Fether Gallagher, the director who spoke a few words of thanks for the work done by the outgoing executive Mrs, Todd and her committee, Announcement was made of the Diocesan Convention 'to be held here in Terrace Bay May 14th and.15th,: 0-0-0 » HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Annual meeting of the.Home and © School was held Monday evening, April 15th in the High School Auditorium, President (Conttd, next colum) Page Bu. (Cont'd. from last column) Malcolm Craig'chaired the meeting, Minutes of the last annual meeting were read by Secretary Mrs, Frank Ginn and Treasurer's report by Joe Wig, who also announced the books had been audited by Joe Heenan, The President's report summ- arized the year's activities and thanked those who had worked with him, - Mr. Craig expressed the hope a membership drive would be conducted next year, to Peng cur member- ship back up again, Willard Vezina took charge of the election of officers for the 1957-58 season on the report of Jack Kelty, nominating chairman. Those to accept,office were - Pres, Malcolm Craig; 1st Vice=Pres, Ted Brown; 2nd.Vice Mrs,.Evelyn Knauff; Recording Secretary - Mrs, Lois Downey; Corresponding Secretary - Mrs, Alice Farrow; Treasurer - John Ferrier; and the Five members of the executive. to complete the list were Mrs, Evelyn Boutilier; Mrs, Helen Brooke, Mrs, Marge Hayes, Mrs,. Louella Ginn and Allen Valiquette,. These members of the new executive were duly installed in an impressive ceremony by ~ Dave Locking, principal of the High School. Introduced by Ray Kenney, .the Home and School membérs were delighted by one of the rare appearances of the Terrace Bay Ladies Choir. Under the direction of Mrs, Ellen Hodgkiss, the ladies sang Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" from the Nuteracker Suite; "Happy Talk", "Mood Indigo" and "When .You Wore a Talip", The last half of their 'selections included "Christopher Robin is Saying His Prayers", "One Day When We Were Young", "The Waltzing Cat" and for an encore "Charmaine", 0-0-0 LOCAL ASSOCIATION - GUIDES AND BROWNIES The monthly meeting of the Local Association of the Guides and Brownies will be held in the meeting room at the Recreation Centre on Monday, April 22nd at 8 o'clock, The Association would like to-thank all those who helped make the Candy Sale a wonderful success, A-spécial thanks to the Hudson's Bay for allowing us to use" fm in their store, 0-0-0