. HORTICULTURAL 'SOCIETY NEWS-AND. NOTES © a ais A-Genéral meeting of the Society will be held on Friday, April 20th 'at 8:00 p.m, at the Rec, Centre. Mr. Fred Parrish, District Director, will 'be guest speaker. .He will be reporting on Annual Hort. Con- vention held in Toronto in March, Everyone is urged to attend. The premiums will be distributed at the meeting, _ Any member wishing to make a special purchase of Commercial fertilizer at special rates of $3.00 for 80 lbs, con- tact Mr. J, Duncan. Cash must accompany orders, Glad bulbs may be ordered from Mr. G. Maitland by members at special reduced prices. 0-0-0 BRUSH STROKES FROM THE ART CLUB Regular Art Classes are held each Thursday with our instructor Mr. Klepey in attendance, The community is asked to remember the dates, April 27th and 28th, when the first Terrace Bay-Schreiber Art and Craft Exhibit will be held at the High School Auditorium, Plans are well underway for this important event and your attendance is urged for its huge success, - o-0-0 STOP LOOK AND LISTEN DANGER IN USE OF CARBON TET, The California State Department of Industrial Regulations, Division of Indust- rial Safety has again issued a warning to ~ the public about the use of carbon' tetra- chloride, and their warning is uderscored by the Bureau of Adult Health, State Depart- ment of Public Health, Because carbon tetrachloride is not explosive, users are often lulled into thinking it is a safe solvent. ACTUALLY IT IS ONE OF THE MOST HARMFUL OF THE COMMON SOLVENTS, Most of the carbon tetrachloride injuries come from breathing the vapours, This can produce severe and even fatal damage to the kidneys and liver, Authorities. have come to the con- clusion that more than one part of carbon tetrachloride in 40,000 part of air is danger-- ous. That is the equivalent of half a tea~ spoon of carbon tetrachloride vaporized in a room 10 feet long, 10 feet wide and 10 feet high, (Cont. on next col,) ~~ STOP LOOK AND LISTEN' (Cont) iy Page 9 if People are warned not to rely on their sense of smell to detect carbon tetrachloride danger, for if its odor can be detected the concentration is well beyond the safe limit, TERRACE BAY FIRE DEPARTMENT 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last week's Safety Slogan "No Foolin' - Horseplay is Dangerous" were: Oy Brassard, Ted McInnes, Vern Hopper, Leo Fudal, W. Pidluzny, Harry Hall, Art Marsh, Dorothy Campbell, Adam Zyri, Lauri Niirinen and A, Tanner, Those who missed were: Reg Cotton, Charlie Simmer, Fred McMillan, Aubrey Boutilier, Fred Vautour, F, Helmink, Jim Clancy, Norman Glad, Willard Vezina, Frank Woodruff, Ida Romaniuk and Herb Crisson. 0-0-0 IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA BANKING HOURS i The special extended hours of. business for paydays on the 8th and 23rd of each month are to be discontinued. Banking hours will be from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 pom. Monday to Friday. : Extended hours of service will be con- tinued each Friday from 4:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. 0-0-0 T.BeAsHeA, ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Terr ce Bay Amateur Hockey Association will be held Tuesday, May Ist at 7:30 Pem. in the large meeting room at the Recreation Centre. 0-0-0 CUB_AND SCOUT CAMP There will be one camp for the 2 combined Cub packs, Cubs will leave for camp on July i2th and return on July 16th, Scout camp - leave July 16th and return July 23rd. Please note that all Cubs will attend the one camp together, 0-0-0 JUNIOR ART CLASS The Junior Art Class will meet on Fri- day April 13th from 4:00-5:00 Dele eT the Recreation Centre, o-0-0