January 6th-7th-Matinee HEIDI starring Elizabeth Sigmund, \ January 8th-9th-lOth ARENA starring Gig Young and Polly Bergen, January l1th-12th ULYSSES starring Kirk Douglas and Silvana Mangana., ° LADIES CURLING CLUB LADIES BONSPIEL The Terraee Bay Ladies Bonspiel will be held on February 10th and lith follow- ing the Ladies Northwestern Zone Playdowns, whieh will be on February 8th and 9th respectively. The Bonspiel fee per rink is $8,00. All rinks interested in enter- ing this 'spiel please give your name into: Anne Latour - draw chairman, All entries mast be in by February lst. LADIES NORTHWESTERN The Northwestern Ladies Curling Assece lation of Ontario is comprised of twenty- one clubs to date. These clubs in turn are divided into zones, Each club that wishes fo enter into the Northwestern - must pay a membership fee of $10.00 the first year plus 25¢ per member per capita, This fee the following year is reduced to $5,00 plus the' 25¢ per capita, Once this is paid the club now proceeds as an eligible member, When a club has more than one team wishing to represent the club in the zone playdowns - they must first play off against one another, The winner of the club team then plays against the other outside club Winners, e.g. Terrace Bay team or rink winner plays off against Schreiber winner and Marathon rink, They must play two games against one another. The winner from this playoff is then declared the Zone winner and enters the Northwestern zone playdowns, (Continued next week) 0-0-0 Page 3 SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last week's Safety Slogan, "Accidents are Caused - Don't Take Chances" were: W. Neely, S. Ilijow, H. Holland, H. Freeman, H. Solly, Irene Edmonds, Mrs, A. Sinkins, R, Wallwin, J.. Desaulnier and C, Demas, _ Those who missed were: Mrs. G. Maitland, Mrs. W. Henderson, Dolores Valentino, Mrs. ©, Demas, Mrs, V. Thomp- son, J. Cumming, H. Haughn, B. Thorsteinson, P, Leisander, 0. Martenson, H. Prescott, P, Strapko, R. Strapke, L. Hamar, W,. Smart, E. Goa, J. Mandziuk, E, Marcott, B. Reid, R. Lafontaine, E. Niemi, F. Eickmeier, J. Todd, R, Walter, A, Zyri, R. Leclair, W. Janicki, R. Fournier, A.. Gobeil, V. Thompson, Joan Brearley, Mrs. R. Grishaber, o-0-@ HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY All Horticultural Society members and friends please note that the first Annual .tieeting will be held in the large room of the Recreation Centre on. Friday evening, January 20th at 8:15, At this meeting reports of our first. year's activities will be given and our new officers for 1956 will be elected. A good attendance is hoped for. 0ag-o0 FOUND A grey steering wheel cover in front of shopping centre. Phone 593 or apply house 250 Kenogami Road, 0-0-0 TAKEN IN ERROR A black three-quarter dress jacket at the Moose Dance December 23rd, Please call Lois Haviland house 416 Elizabeth Avenue or phone 446, 0-0-0 WANTED TO BUY One pair boys skates, size one. Apply House 35 or telephone 488, 0-0-0