Page 6 oe NEW MEMBER ON THE RECREATION COMMITTEE RECREATION CENTRE'S HOLIDAY HOURS 4 At their last regular meeting the Saturday, Dec, 24th - Recreation Centre Board of Trustees of the Improvement will close at 5:00 pem. Leon's Con- District of Terrace Bay appointed cession will close at 5:00 pem, Mrs, Mary Hale to the Recreation Committee Sunday, Dec, 25th - Arena open only from to replace Mrs, Sinkins who declined a new 2:00 until' 4:00 pom. Leon's Conteh term of office, Mr. M. 0. Nelson was re- will be closed all day. appointed to the Recreation Committee, Monday," Dec, 26th - Arena will be open Both appointments are for a two year term only from 2: 00-4.:00 pem. Leon's Con- commencing January 'Ist; 1956... -- "cession will open at 12:00 noon and continue through the regular hours, 0-0-0 at i A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS. WISH 5 Je Everyone has been busy in tbe past | _ NEW YEAR'S - DAY several weeks preparing for Christmas, and in® Saturday, Dec, 3lst - Recreation Centre a town such as Terrace Bay it seems we are ** will'close at 5:00 p.m. Leon's Con- all blessed with an- abundance: of good things. ~ cession will close at 5:00 p.m for the Christmas season. ~ ~ Sunday, Jan, Ist - Arena open only However, there are some of our fellow from 2:00-4:00 pem ,.Leon's Goncession men and women who will be separated ee .., Wil be closed' ayldays their loved ones at Christmas, ~~--.. Monday, Jan. 2nd = Leon's» Concession. On behalf cf all the people in Terrace will open at noon,' "Arena. | open only Bay our Christmas Wish is for a speedy from 2:00-4:00 p.m, reunion to all those families who are ay ene Hes an ee separated at Christmas, st ~ One. From all of us a Very Merry Christmas, ... oa and a New Year filled with Happiness. NORTH CAMP CAFETERIA ie On Dec, 25th, : the: 'North bat Cafeteria 0-0-0 Christmas Dinner will: 'be: served at: 12:30 - Le (noon) sharp, i : Supper will be Bur fet syle from TS asd Shar "3 .§200 to 6:30 poem, and 'Mid: ght lunch will ; be served as nS usual, SE A Si Nai Se @ tee z oa N GS ---- -- eee -S--S--- S-- Se Se eS eS FROM THE CORPORATION OF THE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF TERRACE BAY "ne C. E. Paget W. E, Cavanatgh A, &. Driffield W. F. Strutt Chairman Vice-Chairman Trustee _secty Treas,