RECREATION FLYER (Cont. ) FILM SHOWING will be pas passed on to the Ae eda by scheduled, Please notify Jim Fraser at the Recreation Office if you wish to show any of these films, _Chik's Great Adventure - Scouting in Malaya, from the green a-full- fledged Boy Scout.,.....eLl minutes, Saxlors of the Queen (Colour) - Royal Can- adian Navy film recalling the pomp and splendor of the Coronation Fleet Review at Portsmouth.:-.csee..e3 minutes Eye Witness --- A day in the lonely life of Canada's highest weathermen - atop Old Glory, a peak of the Rockies.......11 min. The Harbour - A story of the sea and ships, toid from the sprawling dockyards of Hali- DORs eco aks 7 minutes, Bottleneck - Made at Comwall, where the St. Lawrence Seaway is already taking shape, this film shows the gigantic proportions of the engineéring project involved....l1 min, WORDS | OF THOUCHT BOSS ( _OR LEADER The Boss drives his men~The Leader coaches thems The Boss depends upon authority - The Leader. upon goodwill. The Boss inspires fear-The Leader inspires enthusiasm, The Bosssays "I"-The Leaders says "We" Tne Boss assigns the task-The Leader sets the pace. The gets there ahead of times Boss fixes the blame for the breakdown- The 'Leader fixes the breakdown, Boss knows how it is done-~The Leader shows how, Boos makes work a drudgery-The Leader makes it a game, Boss says "Go"-The Leader says "Let's ero, The The The The PRE-SALE OF [CKETS FOR THE FIRST TwO LEAGUE GAMES -. GERALDTON vs. SUPERIORS For the first two games of the season, which will take place Saturday, December 17th, and Sunday, December I8th, there will be pre-sales of tickets on Friday afternoon from 1:00 until 6:00 (Dec, 16th) and Saturday afternoon from 1:00 wtil 6:00 (Dec, 17th) in the Rec, Office. (Cont. on next col.) All Boss says "Get here on time"-The Leader «.--- i a. ; RECREATION FLYER (Cont. ) PRE-SALE OF TICKETS -- ' those who have not yet picked up their reserved season's tickets please do so before Saturday night's game, PRE-SALE OF TICKETS FOR THE THIRD LEAGUE GAME -__ SCHREIBER vs, SUPERIORS For this game, which will take place on Thursday, December 22nd, there will be a pre-sale of tickets from the Rec- reation Office on Wednesday, December 2lst, from-1:00 until 6:00 p.m., and Thurs- day, December 22nd, from 1:00 until OTC "Dalle. « EVENT NO. -- HOCKEY GAMES The first North Shore League game, to be held on Saturday, December 17th, will be Event No, 30 and the following games will number from 31.0n. 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last week's Safety Slogan "To-Day is Another Day - Make It Safe" were: M, Dye, J. Smith, G, Shultz, G. Savoy, J. Hughes, E. Knight, R. Linnert, J. Wade, P. Daniels and Elizabeth Burns ¢ Those who missed were: Bob Harrison, Frank, Sweet, H. -Solly, T. Delorande, T, Williscroft, J. Santerre, B. Middaugh, R. Fournier, E, Perston, D. Thompson, H. Marsh, M. Nicol and G, MacGinnis. 0-0-0 BASTERN STAR The regular monthly meeting of the Silver Birch Chapter No, 264, was held on Monday, December 12th with the Worthy Matron, Mrs. A, Farrow, presiding. The members decided to hold a Penny Auction at the close of the January meeting. After the business session, Husband and guests of the members joined in the Chapter's Annual Christmas party and ex- change of gifts. An inspiring Christmas story was presented by the Star points and carol singing enjoyed by all. Mrs. M. Fummerton conducted a series of contests. Refreshments were served by Mrs. L. Corbett and her committee from a table tastefully decorated with a Christmas motif, 0-0-0