SOFTBALL (conte). Salary Harrison Campbell Heenan Grishaber Gray Sechesky Pattison Totals Shift #2 Corlett Moro Sadowick Pluta Loonar Slattery Heron St, Louis Daniels Hall - Dejonghe Dawson 0 Totals L2 Officials: Gauthier-. plate - Hamilton-bases Draw winners - None Estimate attendance: 250 oe NIP OODVOrF OM, PRE RP an WnWWWPWw BIODODDOORPHHHNN O100000 30! ODCIDOHPRPRPENRPW)D Your regular reporter of this colum has asked a pair of "amateurs" to keep you informed about "what's in ball", Our first attempt concerns the July lst tournament, o-0=0 KIWANIS DEBERVES YOUR SUPPORT Very soon now the local Kiwanis Club will be pushing tickets for the Rossport-- Derby Dance, The door prize at this event is a boat and trailer but you get a let more when you purchase one of these tickets than an admission to a dance, These tickets cost- $1,00 and of this amount 50 cents goes direct to the local Kiwanis Club, This money goes in the wel-. fare account and must be used for community welfare in Terrace Baye - Recent expenditures from this account have been, Kids Picnic $100.00, Scotch-Lite for bikes $44.00, sending student to United Nations, Seminar 450.00, Scholastic grant to a student $100,00, The Club expects to spend $400.00 this year at the local wading pool and at the river mouth park, These are just a few examples of how your money will be spente . (cont. on next col,) Page 7 KIWANIS DESERVES YOUR SBPPORT (cont.) Its up to you - your support of these tickets and of other ventures will continue to provide good projects for our commnity. P.Se - buy two tickets and take in the dance it's a unique experience, NEW OFFICERS FOR KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Jackson A, Raney of Indianapolis has been elected President of Kiwanis Inter- national, As head of this organization he will be official spokesman for a quarter million Kiwanians in 4062 clubs located throughbut the United States and Canada and in Alaska and thé Hawaiin Islands. Two vice presidents were also elected at the recent convention and one of these, Harold John Fraser of Prince Albert is well known by many of our local members, O=Q--0 FOR SALE Lawn Mower in good condition, First $5.00 takes it, Apply 81 Hudson, O~0-0 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWS _ Don't forget our first Horticultural Show to be held August 27 in the Auditorium. It is hoped all members will plan to exhibit in as many classes as possible, Booklets containing tips on exhibiting may be obtained from Mrs, R. Je Todd phone 442, A very special offer on bulbs for fall planting is available to any membersby contacting Mrs, T. Brown phone 400, Orders should be placed as soon as possible as these bulbs will be ready for shipment September 1, The following are included on this very special offer, Hyacinth - pink, white, scarlet & blue Daffodils - yellow Tulips (Darwin)- red, pink, orange, white, yellow, rose, lavender & salmon pink, ' Tulips (Parrot) - blue, pink & red Tulips (Double early) - yellow and red Tulips (Single early)--yellow,blue and red Crocus - blue, yellow and white 'o-0-0 PREVENT FOREST FIRES THE BUSH IS BECOMING DRY / BE CAREFUL WITH FIRE.