TERRAGE BAY 4TH ANNUAL FISH DERBY Page 5 JULY ist, 1954 - HOURS 7 a.m, to 6 pam Registration Point - Mouth of Aguasabon River lst Prize - Johnson 53 H.P, "Silent" motor and cruisaday tank, Carlings Brewery Trophy, Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association, 2nd Prize --- 30-30 Hunting Rifle, Terrace Bay Cabinet Shop and Terrace Bay Fish and Game Assobiation, 3rd Prize - Hudson Bey Blanket. Hudson's Bay Company, Terrace Bay, Ont. 4th Prize - Westinghouse Electric Grill. Jessop Drug Sundries, Terrace Bay, Ont. 5th Prize - Allweather Hunting and Fishing Suit, Terrace Bay Recreation Association, 6th Prize - Coleman 2~Burner Camp Stove. Terrace Bay Motors, Terrace Bay, Ont. 7th Prize - 100 Gals. Fuel Oil, for Residents of Terrace aay and Schreiber enly. North Shore Fuel Ltd., Schreiber, Ont. 8th Prize - One case of Motor Oil. Moore Garage, Schreiber, Ont. 9th Prize - One #65 Penn Trolling Reel, Chapples Ltd., Schreiber, Ont. lOth Prize - One Hamper of Groceries, L. & L. Food Market, Terrace Bay, Ont. lith Prize - Fibre Glass Fishing Rod. Roxy Theatre, Terrace Bay, Ont. 2th Prige --- Gift Certificate, . T. Haton Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 13th Prize = Glass Fishing Red, Simpsons-Sears Ltd., Toronto, Ont. JAth Prize - One case Marvelube Outboard Motor Oil. Highway Service, Rossport and Schreiber, Ont. 15th Prize - One Huntsman Sportshirt. Bucovetsky Stores, Terrace Day, Ont. 16th Prize - One Sportshirt, Spadoni Bros., Schreiber, Ont. 17th Prize - Flashlight Lantern, Broadway Theatre, Schreiber, Ont. 18th Prize - Dry-Cleaning Certificate. Dresswell Dry Cleaners, Schreiber, Ont. 19th Prize - 10 Gallons Esso Gasoline. Schreiber Motors, Schreiber, Ont. 20th Prize - One Set of Fishing Baits. Terrace Bay Drug Store and Allcock, Laight and Westwood Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. * Smallest Fish - One set of spinners, Terrace Taxi, Terrace Bay, Ont. 2lst: Prize - One Glass Fishing Rod. Interlake Services, Schreiber and Terrace Bay, Ont. 'wane. Prize = One Boat Seat, Sports Equipments Co., Montreal, Quebec, 0-0-0 WANTEDII3 WANTED{!} Help is needed by Bob Rickard , Chairman of the Stocking Committee to pack yearling speck.icd Trout into Lost Lake and Craig Lake on July 10th, There will be.two parties, One for each lake, Notices have- been placed on the bulletin board just past the punch clocks at the mill entrance, Anyorie intcrested in helping please sign your name to these sheets or contact Bob Rickard. Many thanks to all that helped pack the speckled trout into Minnow, Fox and Canoe Lakes last Saturday, --~---~--~ Terrace Bay Fish and Game Association.