Page 7 BASEBALL NEWS (Cont. ) . Sef megs BOB _SHIRRIFF RE-ELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF es of the season, They came up with a win TERRACE BAY MEN'S CHORUS against Marathon who have a regular house- 'At the first Annual Meeting of the league hardball schedule, . Terrace Bay Men's Chorus, held Thursday, Another game will be played against Mar-~ June 17th, Bob Shirriff was re-elected as athon this Thursday at 6:15 at Marathon and President. Dr. M, McCausland is the newly a return game 'is planned in Terrace Bay on elected Vice-President and succeeds Al Saturday at 3:30 psm. Terrace Bay fans McColl. Also re-elected to office were: will be notified by poster if this game comes Bob Harris, Treasurer; E. Rowson, Music off as planned. So fans be there Saturday Secretary and Jim Rowley, Rec.Secretary and give the local players your support. In the President's opening remarks, Mr. The Terrace Bay team intend to enter Shirriff. quoted from the first circular their team in the Marathon, Heron Bay" . letter sent out to the chorus members as League. So that at least one game a week follows, "Our main objective is to hold will be played in Terrace Bay. Any persons enough rehearsals during the winter to who are interested in the team and who hold a concert in the spring". He stated weuld like to help in any way are asked to that he thought the chorus could safely contact Dan Gillis or Phil Stuart. Help claim that they had successfully attained that in transportation of the team is an . objective, essential, .- bi Quoting further from Article 1 of the . chorus constitution, Mr, Shirriff contin- 0-0-0 ued by saying that "the object of the cius shall be: to create a greater interes CULY FIRST GAME AGAINST PORT ARTHUR in music among the men of Terrace Bay and Al Delvecchio the N, H. L. pro will vicinity, to encourage them to support all pick up a team from the Lakehead league and worthy musical projects and concerts, and play in Terrace Bay on July lst. There_ to give men who are qualified to become will be several-N, H. L. hockey league members an opportunity to enjoy the "Fellow. players on this team, ship of Song". In wider fields, the chorus This will really be tough competition established a precedent of encouraging for Terrace Bay, but be there fans and young musicians by engaging several as see this game. Time of game to be announced. intermission artists for their local con- The players on the Terrace Bay team, cert held last month. Those members who are as follows: .. Johnny Shritt, D. Cooke, remained with the choir for its first Terry Cavanaugh, Paul Pluta, Eddie Aho, B.Marsh, year, certainly did enjoy "the fellowship Jim Moro, Bill Hanley, Bill Kurylo,B. Borsum, of song". Mr. Shirriff concluded his MOsmar, Milt Black, Ray Stachiw, Ray Belliveau remarks by saying that the chorus lived P, Cavanaugh. Coaches D, Gillis and P, Stuart, up to the longer range objective of their Meeting - On Monday, June 28th after the constitution and the shorter range objective softball game there will be a meeting in of the first circular letter sent out to © the Activity Room in the High School. of all chorus members, i all interested people in baseball to form The men's chorus of this town is con~ an executive to operate the Club, whee sidering membership in the Associated Any help anyone can. give will be male choruses of America next fall when eppreciated. This cluh. is a pretty im- their rehearsals begin again. By joining portant asset to the town, , - the AMCA, tthe chorus will aid and support There are interested people coaching the AMC. to promote men's choral singing pee wee and midget baseball and the oper- in Canada and the U.S.A., and be entitled ation of a senior team will give the kids -: to participate in any of the AMCA activities something to shoot for and help to ensure that the chorus so chooses, that Terrace Bay has a good baseball club : in future years. s 0-0-0 0-0-0 FOR SALE Piano Accordian, 80 Bass - 5 Shifts LADIES SOFTBALL on treble side, Dial 422 or call at Weather permitting, there will be a 73 Hudson Drive, ladies' softball practice tonight, June 2th, at 6:30 p.m, at the large ball diamond, 0-0-0 All those interested are urged to attend this practice tonight. 0-0-0