CLOSED DOORS SAVE LIVES j Since the first of the year 195k, thee has ; been a great many lives lost in fires, domestic fires, I cannot help feeling that some of them could be prevented or at least the tragic results minimized. I should like to stress two simple facts tha every fireman knows: (1) Smoke rather than \-\ flame, is the real danger to life, and ; smoke from even a small fire will rise and\: spread out wherever it can. (2) A closed door can often hold back smoke or fire long enough for the occupants to escape in safety or if help is coming to wait to be rescued, Bearing these points in mind consider where inyour house fire can possibly start, heaters, furnace, kitchen, etc, if at all possible make sure there is a door, a closed door between that point and the bed- room. If you have a door leading to a base- ment it Should also be kept closed at night, This simple act will save a lot of trouble if fire should occur, There is more to it when you ceme to apply it, but at least this may start some people thinking along these lines, I would like to tell you about a fire a few days ago. A fire was in the cellar ofa house, the door leading to the cellar was elosed the inside of this door was badly burnt but the fire was held back from the rest of the house, If this door had been open the house would have been lost that is for sure as the flames would have come up stairs and into the other parts of the house. Another good point to member is always see that the oubside doors of your house are not blocked with snow or ice. Always make sure you can get cut of your -house by goons and windows. Geo, Maitland Fire Chief 0-0-0 Lost' 1 wrist watch with silver expansion bracelet cn Sunday evening in the vicinity of 4.8 Hudson Drive, Finder please contact desk at Hotel Terrace. Reward. 0-0-6 WANTED TO BUY Switches, track and accessories for Electric Train. Len Williams. House 51. 0-0-0 February 12,.1954, High School Auditorium, Dancing 9:00 p.m. to ? Dress Optional Tickets $1.00 each Table Accommodation available Grand Door Prize - Sunbeam Mixmaster Winner need not be present to win door prize. . Sponsored by the Terrace Bay Hockey Association, oe © @ hy ¢ So come on men, celebrate St. Valentine' Day in'real style and take your lady out to the Ball. Table accommodations will be available in, the Auditorium, Reservations for tables not required, Tickets on sale now! Available from all hockey players or members of the Terracc Bay Hockey Association, Arrange your parties now for the Hockey Association Valentine's Ball, Corsages for the Ball are available if you order before February 6th. Order from Murdo Campbell or Ed Cavanaugh, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to lir, and Mrs, Don Ollen-Bittle on the birth of a son on February 1, 1954 and Mr, and Mrs, Fred MeMillan on the birth of a daughter on February 3rd, 1954. 0-00