SCCSOMS SGREETINGS: TO ALL LONGLAC EMPLOYEES: Nothing in many decades of democratic civilization has so distressed the mind of man as the realization that Christianity, symbolized by the true Spirit of Christmas, is in real jeopardy. It may seem somewhat untimely to dwell on the menace which faces us, But it is fitting that we should pause as the festive season approach- es and contemplate the consequences of living in a world without Christianity. Nearly one third of the world's population of two billion people is now be- hind the "Iron Curtain" enslaved by a Godless concept of living. The tragedy of it all is that sinister infiltration of entire nations has accomplished most of this conquest for forces utterly opposed to Christian civilization. We must all be on guard against such infiltration. Even more important, however, is the need to live our lives in such a manner that our "way of life" will be a challenge and example to all who would question its ultimate values despite obvious short comings. That is a matter about which we can, individually, do something. In these days, an "eat drink and be merry" philosophy only, will simply aggravate the problems which confront us. Failure to set our owm house in order, as we repudiate treachery on the broader front, could mean the end of civilization as we know it. So it is that I would urge each one of you to ponder the true meaning of Christmas. Its providential message of "Peace on Earth" may be our one remaining hope, Now on behalf of the LongLac organization I would thank you all for your efforts throughout the year both on the job and in the community. Wherever you may be, may you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe, Happy and Prosperous New Year, LONGLAC PULP AND PAPER COMPANY una PZ, oe or . Sot rare oe =o D. GC. Porter Mill Manager. PALE i yt et G age 73 hen = AN) i AF Be STN (EN ect Set Ve, ie 1m SN iS hh 3 5 coe a So 1 Ss - Yr -- \ W Wie ta AN S Wy WH AE FS iy CF eS af + LY irre I iN fats pe OTN ie, e y + =~ A) j Tw 8 SN \} KY Mes Waxceay AEN : _\& Uy . 2 Ht N . ' R : iy 4 f, \ Y a ; Pex 2 -- aes } Lg |i" nn 'S er / k " - =F: Pe ENG Sy = BRS oe