SWIMMING AWARDS This past season has been our best one to date insofar as number of swimming days and total numbér of boys and girls to earn awards is concerned, In the Water Safety Beginners class the following children passed their tests: Donna Adamo, Diane Hubeny, largaret Walter, Peggy Shirriff, Barbara Sweet, Donna Brearley Maralyn Spiddell, Ronnie Schock, Dave McDonald Raymond Salesse,.Richard Jeanngret, Edward Linkwich, and Doug. Moore, . In the Junior Category, the following . were successful; Sharron Marquis,' Susan kicCausland, Judith McCausland, Gail Sweet, Marlene Jessop, Joan Hopper, Norma Schock, Betty MacFadyen, Frank Ginn, and George McKay. In the intermediate class, the following passed: Dorothy MacDonald, Doreen Pletzer, Carolyn Thompson, Sharron larquis, Gail Sweet, Betty MacFadyen, Murray Pletzer, and Leslie Wood, And in the Senior bracket, we had the following: Rosalind Savoy, Mary Banks, ' Brenda MacDonald, Lynn Porter, Rita Vezina, Joyce Sitch, Ron. MacKay, Marvin Steen, George Dennis, and. Ray Husband, It should be noted that Sharron Marquis, Gail Sweet and Betty MacFadyen passed their. Junior Tests first and then went on to pass their Intermediate, To do this in one season speaks well of the enthusiasm of the pupils and of the instruction that they received, A great amount of credit is due Bob: Shirriff who took the time and made the ef- fort to have himself qualified as a Red Cross Swinming and Water Safety Examiner. In this capacity Bob made himself available at all times to the Instructors and the pupils, Plans are now underway to have a suitable presentation ceremony, when the children will receive their cards, pins and crests, The time, date and place will be published just as soon as the information is available, 0-0-0 "WHO'S WHO" IN "HERE COMES ee "Here Comes Charlie", will be presented in the High School Audit- orium on Friday, October 23rd, sponsored by "WHO'S WHO" IN "HERE COMBS CH Page 5 : i RL TS (Cont. ) With this ° very "y excellcw Line- "up, we assure you an evening of roa' enjoyment when you see "Here Comes Charlie", o-0-0 MALASHEWSKI. / AND BUCK TO HEAD BOWLING aSsoc LATION FOR 2 1953- 5h The results of the recent elections for the Bowling Association executives were as follows: 5: Pin Association, President--Clarence Buck, Vice President~Alex Chishols retary-Sparky Black, -"Presideht Me Pin League-Dick Day, President iixed = Pin League-Alphonse Rouscll, President: ety 9. 2CCe q tg 5 Ladies 5 Pin League-Vivian Hann>, Président- Paw 10 Pin Association, Malashewski, Vice-President-Lec nh eh an ke Harrison, prone the Ments 10 Pin League, Georg President of the Mixed iO Pin ime Freeman, All the offices were with only 2 few votes sepa idates, ¢ Pe tsa We he of Eh aS 2 + b + H e ' tested close ly COT rating aiost cand "OrO=0 BARBER SHOP NOTICE Patrons are requested to plcassc note that the shop will be closed on TI giving Day, October 12th, and also on and Wednesday, October 13th and 14th. 0-0-0 FOUND Wine' Corduroy jacket' with white trim Size 34. Can be picked up at House 156, 0-0-0 LOST small bicycle, 3 wheelers: Hintery please phone 365, o-O-o0 HOUSE L¥AGUE HOCKEY A mecting of all those NUCTeSwea Lt a three-act comedy, playing house league hockey gain thi winter,' Will' be held' in the' MTi117' Conve Room at 7:30 p.m. on' Wednesday, October STCNT oS 7th s the Ladies! Augiliary of the Community Church,!If interested, meee come * out 'end ee us Members of the cast are as follows: Vivian Hanna, Sadie Gaulin, Ellen Hodgkiss, Marion Campbell, Agnes Sinkins, Tom Walter, Curly Hale, Tom Williscroft, Alex Sinkins and Dave Locking, Doug Harris is acting as . director, (Cont. on next col.) have your views a that we may get our plans dingo Hsp at. an early Envy 0-0-0