RE-SCHEDULED BALL GAMES (cont. } Games shedujed on Monday, July 20th and..Tuesday, July 2lst have been switched so that the Townsite vs Shift #1 Game will _ be played on Tuesday July 21st and game : between Structural and Maintenance will take place on Monday, July. 20th, O-Od. MONSTER SOFIBALL STAG Patrons to this particular Stag are in. for a grand timo, First, we have to. report Page 4 PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME (cont.) has been open the children have had hikes , scavenger hunts, races, a Pet Parade, First Aid instruction and many other team and group games as weather permitted. Rain or shine we gather together, And when it's really hot everyone 1: ves to get out. to the pool However, please keep in -mind.that there is swimming for everyone every day in tho week , but not at any time. Those from 4-7 must not go out to the pool Mon,, Wed, or Fri, mornings, The children in the age group 8 - 13 must not go to the that the ae has been changed from July 22nd pool in the afternoons of the same days, to Friday, July 24th - same time 8:00 p.m. | 'his should encourage more representation from that segnent of the boys who invaria- . tly find they stay up a little later than usual when attending a Stag, Then too, we are pleased to announce that Fred (Safety) Soughton has volunteered . his, services, and talonts, is rounding up a group of entertainers for -your enjoyment, Without a doubt this*ll be exactly what a Stag should be ~ Buffet Lunch (prepared by the wives of the Softball players) Refresh- ments, lively music, songs, harmonizing and the usual roundhouse chatter on Softball " fs" and predictions. If youtre the quiet - type and enjoy a friendly game of Bridge or Vanista, there'll be a reserved. section and gards for, your use, Den't forget the Door Prize - a pair of. genuing Kangaroo leather Softball spikes valued at $10.00 (not $1.2. 50). The winner may have the yee equivalent if Cleats are not to his liking, Tickets are now in the hands of all aia Venagers and members of the Executive and in this connection ticket - sellers have the option of turning in their unsold. tickets either at the Stag or to the Stag Chairman before Friday, July 2th. Plan now to attend this sila event if you appreciate a pleasant night cut with the DOYS. ' » O00 PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME. 2 Teen~Agers{ You too are to share in the Playground and Pool activities! We also have other special events plamed for your age group, if enough of you show interest, So--- all of you who are 14 or 15 years old, interested and full of life, come on out to the Continuation School on Saturday, July 1sth at 19:00 a.m. and register, In the two weeks that the Playground (cont. in next col.) _, include a trip to Jackfish. ' song books, old toys etc, During these periods instruction is being given certain groups and no one else will be allowed to swim, It is in your own interests to observe these rules, _. Next week we are planning on holding a Western Week during which we hope to So dig out your old sombreros , cowboy guns and Indian papooses! Our thanks goes out to the volunteers ' who are working so eagerly and co-operating so well, When you come, or you can send with the children, any games, sheet music, Here*'s a wonder- ful chance to clean out your basement! Anything you'd like back at the end of the summer will be kept apart, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN (cont.) Mre and Mrs, Art Connors arrived back this weekend from a three week holiday spent: in Quebec and New Brunswick with: family and friends. In Miguasha West, Quebec they were guests of Mr, Connors Mother, Mrs, Clara Connors and in Canpbell- ton New Brunswick they visited her Uncle, Edmond Lapointe and her Aunt, Mrs. Callahan, © In Dalhouse, N. B. they were guests of Mrs, Connors uncle: Howard Lapointe ané also Mr, Connors brother Peter Connors, At Balmoral, N.B,. they visited with Mrs, Connors Aunt, . Mrs, E. Bartholet also renewing meny acqudntances while iesomt ne: through Gaspe,. On the return trip they visited with Mrs. Connors Cousin, Mrs, Jimmy Doarctiny: of Montreal, Another meeting of the Electrician's wives was held at the home of Mary Byers a week ago Tuesday. A namo for the group was decided upon, that of the Dimbulbs, Ed Garvin received a prize for submitting the winning name. Plans were compieted for a corn roast to be held September 5th, also i. (cont, on page 3)