THN PIN TOURNEY (cont. from page 1) Nescoes copped the prize the first year but last year our local #1 team up and knocked them over to take home the bunting. The tourney consists of six games scratch bowling, 3 at 1:00 p.m. and 3 at 6:00, followed by a banquet for all 10-Pin Bowlers at which the trophy and prize money will be distributed, The Nescoes are bring- ing a large following along as a cheering section and they will be rooting for a win for the Lakehead but rumour has it that the smart money is again on the local entries. When interviewed yesterday at the con- clusion of a secret practice session, Art (why do they make me shoot at those spares T haven't missed in 20 yrs.) Christie was quoted as saying "We'll be there in full force to show you what real bowling is like", Whereas Bill Borsum speaking for the local contingent countered with "We were just easy on them last year, this year we'll really clobber 'em," Spectators are welcome at both sessions (as many as the alleys will hold, that is) so if youtd like to see as good a demonstrat- ion of the finer art of toppling the maples as you're likely to see around Terrace Bay this year come down and drown out. those Lakehead supporters. Terrace Bay #2 on Boudreau Teams are as follows: Terrace Bay #l Capt. Bill Borsum Bill Adamo Frenk Sechesky Bob Shirriff Ed Aho Al Lindskoog Pa Pla, Leon Checkryn Capt. P.Malashewski Nescoes #1 Ave. Nescoes #2 Ave. Christie 179 Demio L7h Hollinger 181 Pepi Dike 176 Fulkerson 176 McBurney 175 Warrennen 176 Caruso 176 Fuchek 186 John Dika wie 0-0-0 EASTER SEL CAMPAIGN (cont, from page 1) three Summer camps for crippled children and still carries out its major work of clinical investigation and treatment of such child- ren all over Ontario, Dr, Phillips said: "The Special Committee on Handicapping Conditions of Children of the Ontario Health Survey Committee defined a crippled child as one who 'from birth to 21 years of age, because of congenital or acquired def- ect, is or is likely to be limited in normal activityt. The Ont, Society for Crippled Children is doing a marvelous job in this field, and it is only right that we should (cont, in next col,) Page 4 EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN (cont. ) all get in there and help through our purch- ase of Faster Seals during the Society's annual campaign. T am happy to commend to the people of Ontario the work of this Society and its most worthy appeal for assistance. I would like to mettion also the work of over 200 Service Clubs in Ontario who sponsor this annual Easter Seal drive.on behalf of the Society. Their great humanitarian work is deserving of all praise." Sponsored in this district by the Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club. 0-0-0 VOLLEYBALL AND BASKETB.LL Another Thursday night has rolled areund, and again it is time to put in an appearance at the High School Auditorium for an evening of Volleyball and Basketball. The requirements still remain the same: the urge to have a little exercise and some fun; and to bring a pair of running shoes, You should also remember to bring a towel as it is in your own interests to have a shower before leaving the building, This time, why not really make a point of bringing along the guy next door. Next week, Thursday, March 12th, we won't be nevina our regular session due to the Dept. of Education concert being held that night, 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS Hours Monday & Wednesday - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Children's hours ¢ Monday & Wednesday - 4:00 to 4:30 peli. Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. New Books for Adults "Z, Crown for Ashes" by Teresa Kay. An elem- ental novel which penetrates deeply into the meaning of human struggle and turmoil, this story stirringly tells the triumphant love story of a beautiful young Hungarian count- ess and a brilliant Jewish musician caught but not crushed in the tragedy, destruction and misery of World War II and its after- math, Your Teenagers: How to Survive Them" by Alvena Burnite, This book is based on wholesome, common-sense principles applic- able to all phases of adolescent life. Note of Thanks Thank you, Mr. Ham Craig, for your rec- ent shipment of books for the Library. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated by both staff and members, 0-0-0