| Opening mcnoml De On Tuesday next, Feb. 17th at 8:15 p.m, the official opening ceremony of our brand new Continuation School, complete with a combined Gymnasium--fAuditorium will get underway. A very interesting programme has been planned for the evening during which Mr. 4. H. McKasue, Inspector of Continuation! Schools for the Ontario Department of Educ- ation will be guest speaker. All residents of the Community are cordially invited to attend the opening of this fine new edifice that will house our High School students as well as having the Gymnasium--sAuditoriun "double-in-brass" to serve the needs of our community as a recreational facility. The entire building consists of four classrooms, all of which are currently in use; two rooms for regular classes, a Science Room and a spare classroom.that is currently being used for music classes; the Principal's office which is a large, well planned room and is next door to the taste- | fully furnished teachers! lounge room and the Auditorium itself, a sight to behold with its hardwood tiled floor; spacious i stage; 3 badminton, 1 basketballand 1 volley) ball court. In addition to these facilit- | ies, the under-part of the stage houses separate sets of locker and shower rooms for both boys and girls, i 411 in all, this latest addition to our Townsite is a most welcome one that we all can be justly proud of, It is hopec that as many residents as possible will turn out on Tuesday to see it officially opened, | (cont, on page 8) LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY February 12, 1953, C) CR ont inuat ian t Fong Wext |) uesday VALENTINE C/BARET DANCE Tomorrow night is the night when all sweethearts will gather at the Recreation Hall for another fun-packed Valentine Cab- aret Dance, Reservations are going well, but for the benefit of those who find them- Selves able to attend at the last minute, arrangements have been made for you to res- erve tables by calling Joe Kennedy at Dial 237 or Glenna MacDonald at the Steno Pool, local 12. Those of you who live in Schreib- er can dash over to the Travellers' Home and be accommodated there, Dress for this event is opticnal so there is no need to worry about gowns or corsages, The Vagabonds have promised to give out with a very pleasing selection of music, with dancing from 10 PM till 2 JM, Tickets are reasonably priced at $2.00 per couple to enable you to give your Sweetheart a real Valentine this year. Sponsored by the House League Hockey boys. 0-0-0 INTER-HTGH SCHOOL MEST Tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 1?th, the student bodies of Nipigon, Geraldton, Schreiber, Terrace Bay and Marathon Contin- uation Schools converge on Schreiber in an Inter-School Meet. At this meet, teams from each school will compete in Hockey, Curling, Bowling and Badminton and great is the honour for the winning team, In order to accommodete the visiting schools, Schrei- ber and Terrace Bay played their hockey (cont. on page 8)