CURLER'S CORNER Lots of action going on these days over at the Curling Rink, As all curlers are probably aware of by now, the old Leundry pbuilding has been moved over adjacent to the rink to serve as a Clubhouse this winter, It is all set up in position, the ditch hes been dug for the drain and sewage pipes and it is expected that the installation of these items will be completed by this week, 'The entire inside of this building has been completely stripped of old partitions, coun- ters, etc,, and the preliminary strges have been completed for the renovations to meke the place look like a Clubhouse that wo'll be proud of, Tho outside walls of both buildings have been cut to nllow for the construction. of a connecting corridor, How did all of these and other things get done? ---Why, by volunteer labour of course! J/ny night thet you feel that you'd like to lend e hand, why not just put on your dungarees and wonder over, The fnnual Genoral Mecting of the Curl- ing Club has been set for Friday, October 1 th at 7:30 p.m. in the Clubrooms, o-0-0 HELP THE SCOUTS! Boy Scout Apple Dey will be held on Saturday, October 20th, "Help your health and help the boys." Hat and coat checking and light refresh- ment service for Banquets, Dances, Concerts, ete, Call the Scout Group Committec, Buy your Xmas Cards, wrapping, seals and gift celendars from the Scouts when they call at your door, There aro only 69 more shopping days left until Christmas! 0-0-0 'CARD OF TH:NKS I take this opportunity to thank © 'all of those kind and thoughtful people | :who offered their sympathics and help | 'during my recent bereavement, Bert Lohr, ittreactive wifo: "Were you annoyed because I sharpened a pencil with your razor?* Patient husband: "Twice. After I had given up trying to shave, I tried to write with the pencil," o-0-0 ist man: of sleep is enough for any man." 2nd man: "That's oxactly whnt my baby thinks," 0-0-0 "Edison once said that four hours Page 4 CREDIT UNION NWS Crecit Unions are co-operative snvings and loan socictics organized on a local basis amongst groups of people who have a close common bond of occupation or associate ion, or are the residents of some well- defined community. The main objectives of these groups are: (a) To develop the habit of regular savings and to encourage ea programme of personal thrift amongst the members, By the consolidation of the small sav- ings of many members to create a source of credit at reasonable rates of intor- est for the provident and productive needs of the members, end To develop a programme of education in co-operation and personal finance, Any further information desired may be had for the asking from any of the Directors, Bill Baillie - President; Herry Goodfellow - Secretary; or Archie Driffield - Treasurer- Manager. (b) (c) 0-0-0 NOTICE tems for publication in the Terrace Bey News must be handled in one of the following ways:- Placed in one of the T.B. Newsboxes located at the Mill Time Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, placed in the Post Office, delivered by hand to either the Recreation Office or the Personnel Office, No matter what system you choose, the material must be at any one of these places NOT Li.TER THN 12:00 NOON ON WEDNES- DAY? M:terial for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Send it in writing, and don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please, o=-0-0 | A mashed up toe / Gan eost you dough | | Youtve mich to lose | | Wear SAFETY SHOES | i snswyeconnsacnsnansansaennerenrarcecereencanscceanstcereent #4