10-PIN BOWLERS Here's a reminder to all 10-Pin Bowlers who wish to compete in this season's league: -1,. All team or individual entries should be in at the #jlleys not later that Sept, L5th, 2. You don't have to be an experienced bowler to be "in", 3. You don't have to own yourown personal ball, there are some at the Alleys, 4. 11 names registered will be placed on a team, 5. Don't be left out in the eold, 6, Don't say you weren't asked - you're invited "NOW", BOWL FOR HELTH - FUN - EXERCISE In recent issues of the "News", Want ads have been appearing asking for local boys to come over to the Alleys and earn their spending money by setting up pins as pert- time pin setters, If the existing vacancies aren't filled by next week, out-of town help will have to be ongaged. So if you are int- erested in picking up ea couple of bucks cne or two nights per week, get your nemes in now. Leacues will be starting the week of September 24th, Here*s good news for the lady 10-Pin Bowlers, 4 supply of ledies' 10-Pin balls will be in this week, If enough of the fairer sex show interest in this sport, a Mixed league will be in the making, o-0~-0 5-PIN BOWLING MEETING MOND:AY ia open meeting for all 5---Pin bowlers of the Ladies', Mixed, Men's 2nd Commercial Leagues, will be held at 7:30 pam. in the Teen Town Clubrooms on Monday, September 17. The Bowling Association officers for the coming season will be elected at this meeting and plans for schedules will be drawn up. i. good attendance is nequested, 0-0-0 LOST Girl's maroon doll carriase, Body made of metel. Hood of imitation leather. <iny- one knowing of its wherenbouts is requested to contact Mrs. J. Wade at House #47. o-0-0 ROOM AND BORD WANTED By a Mill worker, Anyone interested is asked to plense contact M, Guyatt on Shift Novi 3s 0-0-0 Page 5 TERRACE Buy LEADS ONTARIO-WIDE SAFETY CONTSST fn item which shou e@ of real interes to every LongLac employee is the fact that we are now leading Class "A" of the Ontario- wide Safety Contest sponsored by the Ontario Pulp and Paper Makers't Safety Association, With little better than 3$ months to go in 1951, we stand in an excellent position to win the contest this year, 4s many may recall, we were in 2nd position when the contest ended last year end our sights are therefore set on making certain of a win during the current contest, - One way of assuring a win is by working the balance of the year without an on-duty disabling injury which would require only a ropeat performance of last year's experience, LET'S WIN THE ONTARIO-WIDE SAFETY CONTEST THIS YEAR o-0-0 The guy went out for the first fishing trip of his life, and he engaged the services of a veteran guide, It wasn't too long before they reached fishing grounds, but by the time they got there, the guide knew what a raw rookie his employer was, Blessed with the so-called "beginner's luck," the fishermen soon hooked a trout, It was a very smell specimen, but the ameteur was so excited you'd have thought he hooked @ whole, "Whet'1ll I do? yelled to the guide, "Reel him in," said the guide laconi- cally. So the ameteur reeled in; in fact he wound in so enthusiastically that in no time at all the fish was rammed up against the tip of the rod. "Now what do I do?" he asked the guide, The guide was quite weary by this time, and his answer reflected his boredom and dis- gust: "Now climb up the the rod and stab him with your hunting knife," Whet'll I do now?" he o-0-c 4. lady walked into a grocery store and asked for a dozen eggs. "And they must be strictly fresh," she added, "Hey, Bill{" shouted the grocer to his assistent in the back room, "feel those eggs and see if they're cool enough to sell yet." o-0-0 SELECT Right Tool INSPECT Thoroughly CORRECT Defects 0-0-0