SOFTBALL FINLS UNDERWAY Engineering and Townsite are all evened up at one game apiece in their best-of-five series for the league title, Both of the games to date have been bitterly fought struggles and the remaining gemes should prove to be well wothwhile watching, It was hoped that we could have had o winner de- clared by the end of August, but due to unforseen circumstances this has not been possible. The balance of the series will be resumed next week but the exact dates have not yet been set due to most of the players being involved in shut-down work in the Mill, o-0-0 During the last day of the Christmas rush in © large department store, a frenzied clerk, overwhelmed by pushing women shoppers, wes meking out what ehe hoped would be the last seles check of the day. 4s the customer gneve her name and address, the clerk, pushing her hair up from her dnmp forehead, remarked: "It's a mad~ house, isn't it?" No," the customer replied angrily. "It's . private homel" o-0-0 BUTCHER SHOP HOURS Patrons of the local butcher shop are asked to note thet the shop will be closed from 12:30 till 1:00 p.m. daily for lunch purposes, 0-0-0 HUNTING LICENCES Resident and Non-Resident Hunting Licences for sale, Apply - T. K. Turner, House #108, o-0-0 VWuNTED One evening mesl at privete home six days a week, Jpply B, Varin, Sam Bucovetsky Stores, 0-0-0 TERR/CE BAY NEWS, published every Thursdey at Terrace Bay, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the Longbac Pulp and Peper Company Limited project of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. {11 items for public-tion must be in the hands of the Editor by noon on Wednesday of each week. Kindly submit all articles ond address ell communications to: o-0-0 THE N BX T CHANCE YOU T..KE M:iY BE YOURL AS T 2? O, R. Dalzell - Editor, Page 4 B.u.CKYiARD FENCES The attention of those tenants request- ing theerection of backyard fences is agein drawn to the fact thet a charge of $1.50 per month will be added to the house rental to cover the cost of these fences, It is also pointed out that any charges arising out of repairs made necessary due to negligence on the tenant's part will also be charged to the tenant, 0-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Terrace Bay News must be handled in one of the following ways:-- Placed in one of the fT, Bi Newsboxes located at the Mill Time Clocks and the Hudson's Bay Stores; place in the Post [ffice; delivered by hand to either the recreation Office or the Personnel Office, No matter which system you choose, the material must be at any one of these places NOT LATER THN 12:00 NOON ON WEDNESD..Y? Material for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Send it in writing, end don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please, The fact that Wednesday noon is the Deadline for all news doesn't mean that we won't accept it before that time, you can't get your news in too early for us, o-0-0 Little girl (on a transcontinental train): "Mama, what's the neme of the last station we stopped at?" Mother: "Don't bother me, see I'm reading, Little girl: there," Cantt you Why do you ask?" "Because brother got off 0-0-0 Your fingers are : valuable -- keep ; them out of i DANGER! |