Page 4 ANOTHUR Sm DNC. OW THE 17th GRAND RE-OPENING OF BOWLING ALLEYS Hore it is folks, another one of' those~-- Monday, august 13th will feature the swell dences to the music of Bill Zaroski re-opening of the Terrace Bay /lleys, During and his Harmony Boys will be held in the the summer closing, alterations were carried Recreation Hall on Friday, August 17th. out with the result of smooth mirror finish Judging by the amount of favourable comment to the alleys. on their last appearnnce here and the num- To head-line this re-opening, 2 compet- ber of requests received to have them beck jtion will be staged between last year's for a return engagement, this should prove ¢homps and runners up in their respective to be « jom-packed evening of real good fun. leagues, Theso dances are being sponsored by your On Tuesday, August 14th, and every Recreation Committec. evening except Sundeys, the alleys will be o-0-0 open to the general public between the hours of 7 and ll p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and try our newly re- surfaced alleys. SWIMMING MEET THIS MONTH Pinns are presently being discussed to stage our 2nd Lnnuel Swimming Meet on Sun., : Hie! : fugust 19th, A canplete list of events The following to participate in Monday's will appear in next week's issue of the competition are as follows: = News", In the meantime, present plens call 1-7 oe Ladies League - Misfits vs Hipp- for a well-rounded programme of events for ity Hops. : all -ges. It is hoped that we can have an Commercial League - B. Doerksen's oxnminer down from tho Lakehend to conduct HBC vs Roussell's Dom, Catering. the Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety 9 - 11 p.m.- Mixed League - Paget's Schemers oxaminntions and an effort is also being vs J, Johnston's oe mado to h-ve the Fort Williem Y.M.C.i. Men's League - Borsum's Over- Ornementel Swimming team come back -gain heads vs Mourstad's Kakabekas this yorr. (Oh those 3 pins.) "ny persons wishing to take part in N.B. Substitutes may be used for players who eny of the events is asked to contact Eric are unable to be present. The substit- at the pool. ute must have ean average approximately : aloe) the same as the player being replxced. BOML FOR FUN - HEALTH ~ EXERCISE FISH {ND GME MEETING 7. genernl mecting of the Terrace Bay Fish cnd Game Club will be held at & p.m, ZTTENTION ALL TEN PIN BOWLERS & OULD BE TEN on Tuesday, August 14th in the Recreation PIN BOWLERS H-ll. .s this newly formed club is off to "The Burroughs & Watt Oo. are sending a a good start, it is hoped thet we can have measuring ball here for anyone wishing to 0-0-0 n good xttendance, purchsse their own personal bell. 0-0-0 The ball will cost $26.75 and has a ; j 2 ak : sunrantee for five years from the date of IT'S HARD TO PREDICT £N ..CCIDENTS purchase, 4. defective ball will be replaced BUT Z.SY TO PREVENT ONE by a new bell without edditional cost, This Wrenn y is an exceptional bargain' at cost price. The measuring ball will be here from Aug. 14th to Aug. 21st. For further infor- mation contact Leon Checkryn, o-0-0 FOR SALE & twelve foot plywood boat, a 5 H.P. Viking Outboard motor, a small cabin trailer; and c child's steel crib and high chair. fpply to W%. Wilson at 250 Kenogami Road. o-0-0 A sultan got mad at his harem, and in- vented . scheme to scare 'em. He caught a small mouse, and let it loose in the house. The confusion is called harem-scarem,. o-0-0