Page 5 MOW TO LIVE ON $15.00 4 WEEK WORRY GO DOOR i acai dak wheelie hen mae eee WTA BOGOR ENS biota mds eae ee aeearete Meat, Fish & Groceries......ece.e On Credit RONG sees bbeadsa vans eeseaenubbes SOY Weko PACK Mid-Week WOLSEY oie win sisleaa se 84 oe bee eeu 1.50 COALS savieekebevid cnccey HOrrow Neiehbour's Life Inshrance (Wife's) .cssssscseseeas 050 RS Se lie si cede wi ganna a bal Bide Bob elimi. ee BEG Ty aie sk ete eiiwievgs @cevaies mre wMLGNR ele a lmare wie iatal em 60 PAN OCDNS (GI Lak aeites bo wmdlee +50 BOG iw) O0 HOPAGS 4 \cslds isiale ewig oeieee eal) wae Be i iis Sls ele edu al bial Wiest Wiha a CH A a We ek kip ele Wi al Ow dub iahe alte ince eile ie mime oe 40 Poker He eer ee ple ee ee nO TO ALL LONGL/.C EMPLOYEES: . WORK THE BAL/NCE OF 1950 "I THOUT & DISABLING LOST-TIME sCCIDENT AND WE'LL CELEBRATE WITH /, BIG COMMUNITY ParRTY IN JANUARY . Dy C's PORTER, MILL MANAGER. o-0-a LET'S ELIMINATE TOE INJURIES At the November Accident Prevention Comm- ittee meeting held lest Friday, it was offi- cially announced by Mill Manager D. C. Porter that the Company would contribute $1.50 per pair towards the purchase of steel toe safety TRIG. 65 shoes by any Longlac employee for personal ; ; : ithe au debs lets aperi use. Since that time, orders have been placed This means going into debt, so cut out the , : difats bee. by employees for more than 150 pairs of Safety raiihs Pc A) t, lott t . ollowing the announcement, letters out- MINOR POY lining the plan were distributed to all em- ployees, and starting Tuesday morning, a representative of the organization supplying the shoes was on hand to fit shoes and intro- duce an expanded line which included safety shoes in different widths, available now for the first time in Canada. A new improved type of steel toe cap has been built into many of the styles now availeble. For the time heing at least, the Company will continue to handle Safety Shoes through the warehouse, where the Company contribution will be deducted from the selling price of the shoes which may be paid for by cash or payroll deduction. 0-0-0 Under the program, however, Safety Shoes TERRACE BAY RIFLE CLUB may be purchased anywhere and the $1.50 ~ fill members please note that a general eredit will apply providing conditions are meeting of the members has been enlled for met with as set forth in the letter circulated 7:30 pem. Wednesday, November 22nd, at the to all employees. Rifle Renge, for the purpose of re-organi- LET'S ELIMIN.TS TOR INJURIES. zing the Club. : iny persons interested in helping in any way towards the operation of minor hockey teams in town this winter are asked to con- tact Ossie Dalzell at the Recreation Office or leave their names in the Terrace Bay Newsboxes at the Time Clocks or The Bay and he will make a point of contacting you. It is hoped that we can complete arrangements :4o have these games played at 6:30 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m., as was the case last year. This would enable the parents to get out and encourage the children and in this respect we would especially welcome any form of assistance from the parents, 0-0-0 0-0-0 BARBER SHOP PATRONS ° LOST OR FOUND Please note that the Barber Shop will be Will the person who borrowed the blanket ¢losed all day wednesday, November 22nd, from the Townsite pick-up truck (KP-1), -- instead of just the usual half-day. Maurice please return it to the South Camp Tool Crib Says that he is going out to get himself some as soon as possible. venison, o-0--0 FOR SALE - 1949 Pontiac, DeLuxe, 4 door FoR S/IE sedan, equipped with under-seat heater, de- 1 pair boy's skates and boots, size 12, froster, block heater, radio, windshield $2.50. 1 pair girl's figure skates with washer, back-up light, grill & bumper guards. white boots, misses size 4, $3.00. 1 pair Apply 146 Birch Crescent. men's skates amd boots, size 9, $3.00. All in good condition. Apply to Mrs. D, McDonald, FOR SALE - One pair boys CCM Hockey skates 70 Laurier Avenue. and boots, size 4. Used one season. Price $6.00. Apply Doug Smith, House HELP WANTED-FEMALE = Opportunity for part- 86. time work at Terrace Bay Hospital. Apply to Es Veitch at Mill office, Local 15.